kink bingo

bondage ( nea / allen )

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Allen flopped on his bed, sighing at the fluffy, cushioned sensation of a lightly-used mattress. The mission had drained so much out of him. There was more walking and running around than there was actual fighting, and in the end there was no Innocence to be found. Just another poor soul that he had to set free. He was happy to do it, though. Any saved soul was time well-spent in his book. He would take the train back to Headquarters tomorrow, but he'd decided to lodge in a tavern for the night. He'd dismissed his appointed finder after finishing the mission, successfully snagging a whole room to himself, which meant a blissful night's rest.

His eyes slid closed, fatigue weighing them down. It felt like only a moment had passed when he opened them again, twice as heavy with exhaustion, but that was the least of his concerns.

What occupied his worry was the fact that Crown Clown was activated and white ropes suspended him from the rafters. He jerked in place, only succeeding in swinging around, but he put a quick end to that when he heard the rafters creaking overhead. His arms were bound behind his back, his knees bent and spread apart, and his mouth gagged. A pang of fear shot through him as he realized he was naked to top it off.

What the hell is going on?!

Good evening, dearest Allen~

He froze at the voice, eyes flitting around the room in search of the source, but he already knew it was nowhere to be found. That voice came from inside of him.

Shh, shh, there's no need to fret. I've got you~

The whispery breath sounded as if it were right next to his ear, and he squeezed shut his eyes.

Are you controlling Crown Clown? he asked internally, although he knew the answer before it was given to him.

Yes. But don't worry. I'm going to take good care of you. The voice lilted into something huskier, and Allen shivered. He was anything but assured.

Let me go... He winced as he felt his bonds tighten in response.

I can't do that. I've only just begun!

Allen heard the ropes approaching and he tensed, but it wasn't enough to prepare him for the light flicks against his nipples. He jerked with a grunt, fearful of the jolt it sent straight to his dick. Just as he tried to open his eyes again, he was blindfolded, and he cursed inwardly.

Tsk tsk. You shouldn't use such naughty language, dearest, or I'll have to punish you.

He stiffened at the threat (but with his luck, it was a promise).

Please don't do this. Maybe he could tap into the pity The Fourteenth carried. Surely he had pity. Alas, he only hushed Allen again.

You'll enjoy this. Just trust me.

Everything within him screamed not to do that, and he couldn't help but agree. However, everything within Nea begged compassion, trust, understanding, and that was just as much a part of him as his own inhibitions. The intentions chased each other in their shared consciousnesses, and while Allen was held up in the conflict, Nea was not similarly encumbered.

The ropes relinquished their teasing of his nipples, instead dragging down the sides of Allen's body and making him writhe against the caresses. They slid around his thighs, squeezing and rubbing and inching ever closer to his groin. When they brushed against his balls, he jerked again, gasping out a muffled curse against the gag. One rope wrapped around his balls, squeezing them ever so gently in time with his own pulse, and there was no stopping the moan. The other encircled his dick, stroking it to full hardness. He wanted to wriggle, to fight, but the groans of the rafters kept him still. The last thing he wanted was to cave in this tavern while he was compromised in such a way.

Dearest Allen, won't you please try to enjoy yourself? This is for you, after all. The rough edge in Nea's voice proved that he was just as affected by the ministrations he was inflicting as Allen, but that was nearly as unsettling as the fact that he could control Crown Clown. Allen just shook his head, though, unable to help the twitch of his hips as the ropes rubbed him in just the right way. He could feel Nea's disappointment as intensely as the Noah himself, and he tried dearly to squash down the guilt it elicited. I was afraid you'd say that...

Allen had only a brief second to wonder at the surge that coursed through his body before it suddenly wasn't his body anymore. He was still there, but it felt as though he'd taken a backseat to Nea, who now controlled his limbs. Gradually Crown Clown released his arms and slid the gag from his mouth, and Nea flexed his muscles as his body was tilted over so that his back faced the bed. Nea looked down at his dick through Allen's eyes, forcing him to witness every second of his command. A hand reached for his arousal, and Allen was only able to voice a half-protest before fingers stroked him with expert skill. Nea moaned with Allen's voice, the exorcist mimicking the noise within his mind.

"See how nice this can be if you just give in to the pleasure?" Nea said aloud. "Crown Clown is such an exquisite piece of Innocence. I can't wait to soil it." The words sent a pang of panic through Allen, but Nea ignored it. "Even now it's fighting the urge to kill me. I wonder what it'll think of you after this?" Allen felt like he couldn't breathe, but Nea's appreciative sounds proved otherwise. Nea tilted up his head, fitting Crown Clown's mask onto his face. Somehow the action felt debauched and wrong, and Allen pleaded for Crown Clown's forgiveness, if that were something it could give.

Nea twisted his hand at an angle, and both cried out at the sensation it wrought. He pumped Allen's shaft with quick movements, thumbing his slit with every other upward stroke. His body was shuddering within minutes, balls tightening as their peak approached ever nearer. Allen couldn't say anything if he wanted to; he was completely lost to the pleasure.

"You're so beautiful like this. I wish I could see you," Nea whispered, breath ragged. Allen's blood ran cold. "I've always wanted to take you for myself, before..." He paused to whimper out a moan, biting down on his lip briefly. "You said I could use you. You said I could use your body. You wanted this as much as I did. You wanted me to take you, too."

Allen felt that Nea was trying to convince himself at this point, and he couldn't help but to hurt for the Noah. An unrequited love, perhaps, and a hugely fucked up situation. Allen did understand, and he was compassionate. He may not have trusted Nea, but just this once he could abide by him. With a soft breath he let himself give in, and Nea cried out. Tears prickled at his wide eyes, toes curling as Allen added his own efforts to their stroking. Sensations of both mingled together in the most tantalizing dance, and Nea squeezed shut his eyes against the onslaught of emotion. Allen dimly registered that that emotion was strictly Nea's, but he wouldn't fight against it. He simply allowed it to flow through them both as heat bubbled in their stomach. Crown Clown's ropes pulled tighter, spreading their legs farther apart, and wrapping around their free hand as if in imitation of another hand.

They came with a vicious shudder, their seed spilling over their pallid stomach as their hips jerked. The rafters creaked, and Crown Clown released them from suspension, letting them fall onto the mattress with a bounce. They groaned in unison as another spurt of cum shot out in response, then fell limp. Their synchronized breathing was laboured, and they lay there a moment to let it even out. With the soft glow of Crown Clown's cowl gone, they were left bathed in the soft light of the moon, and Allen had to marvel at the featherlight sensation of their consciousnesses drifting back and forth. Finally Allen's settled at the forefront, and he felt Nea's fade into the oblivion from whence it came, a lingering sense of closure following his retreat.

Allen closed his eyes, taking a deep breath as he felt his body relax. With the last ounce of effort he could muster, he covered himself with the blanket. He would get dressed and worry about what to do with this situation tomorrow.

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