kink bingo

teasing ( lavi / allen )

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Lavi couldn’t take it anymore. That little vixen had pushed his last button, and Lavi wasn’t letting him get away with it.

It had started in the cafeteria at breakfast. Allen was polishing off just one of many plates by the time Lavi got his food. It was one of those rare days that he could drag himself out of bed early enough to eat breakfast, but he had gotten a good night’s rest for the first time in a while, and he was feeling pretty good about it.

That is, until he saw Allen.

He had his tongue wrapped around the finger of his right hand, and Lavi stopped in his tracks. He couldn’t look away as Allen slowly withdrew his finger, turning his hand to lap up the trail of syrup along his palm and wrist. Lavi swallowed through his suddenly dry throat, forcing his feet to carry him forward. He would have been worried about people giving him weird looks if not for the fact that any pair of eyes attentive enough to care was locked on Allen, too.

Once he’d thoroughly cleaned his hand, Allen started on the powdered blackberries on the next plate. He pressed one to his lips and damn near kissed it. His tongue appeared again to lick off the sugary powder, and then he bit into it. Juice from the berry dribbled down his lip, but he caught it with his tongue before it reached his chin.

Lavi hadn’t realized that he’d stopped moving again until Allen looked at him. His knuckles were white around his tray of food as the exorcist flashed him a smile that all but innocent. Lavi swallowed again.

The next time was in the library. It was this time that Lavi knew for a fact that Allen was doing it on purpose because he next to never came into the library unless it was to nap.

Lavi was sitting at a table with papers (records) sprawled over the surface. He was diligently writing away, distracting his clouded mind with records when the source of those clouds planted his ass right on the table. Lavi stopped mid-sentence, eye slowly trailing up the lithe body next to him until he met Allen’s gaze. He had on another smile, and while it wasn’t as downright obscene as before, there was a coy twinge to it that made Lavi want to shift in his seat.

“...Well hey there,” he said, smiling back up at Allen. He hoped a casual tone would deter him from whatever crusade he was on to ensure what would fuel Lavi’s evening “activities”.

“Hey there~” Allen returned lightly, but Lavi wasn’t assured. “Are you busy?” he asked. Lavi glanced at the papers on the table, then at Allen, brow quirked.

“...I can chat,” he said. He was probably going to regret that, but he didn’t want to let Allen know he was onto him. Not yet, anyway.

“Are you sure? I don’t want to interrupt you,” Allen said, trailing his fingers over some papers. Lavi watched his movements carefully.

“It’s fine. What’s up?” he asked, looking back to what he was writing. He paused for a second, then picked up where he left off.

“Nothing really.” Allen swung his legs softly. “I just wanted some company,” he said. Lavi refrained from pursing his lips.

“Oh? I’m honoured I’m the first person you’d come to,” he said, flashing another smile, but Allen wasn’t even looking at him.

“Actually, I tried Lenalee first,” he said, leaning back on his hands and tilting back his head. Lavi tried not to stare at his bare throat. “But Komui was around, so I went to Kanda next.” Internally Lavi gaped in offense that Allen would go to Yu before him. What was that about? “But he was being a right prick as usual. Even Link was away on orders.” Link? What the hell? “So I came to you!” Allen smiled down at him again as if he hadn’t just practically admitted that Lavi was his last choice. The redhead’s smile was gone, but he didn’t outright frown.

“I see. Sorry you had t’go through so much trouble then,” he said, turning back to his writing. Allen just hummed.

What’s his problem? Lavi thought, unable to help a pang of bitterness. Is he trying to make me jealous?

He blinked. Of course he was. This was just another ploy of his to get a reaction out of Lavi. The fact that it was working only pissed him off more.

“I didn’t want to bother you. You’re always so busy,” Allen said then. He sat up again, putting his hands in his lap. Lavi glanced over despite his better judgement. Allen was pouting.

Lavi sighed and put down his quill, leaning back and rubbing his face.

“I’m sorry. Bookman is a slave-driver,” he said. He lowered his hands when he felt a touch on his arm. Allen was smiling again.

“Maybe we can spend some...quality time soon?” he asked, eyes soft. Lavi couldn’t stop his own from widening for a split second. He coughed and leaned forward again, Allen’s fingers slipping from his arm.

“Uh—yeah. Sure,” he said, clinging desperately to his cool. Allen’s grin widened.

“Great. I’ll let you work for now then~” he said, and with that, he hopped off the table. Lavi watched him walk away, not missing the way his hips swayed more than normal. He sighed again.


By the time supper rolled around, Lavi was in and out of the cafeteria before Allen got a chance to pull more of his antics. He was a Bookman for God’s sake; why was he letting a bit of teasing get to him so much? He wasn’t weak-willed by any means. Then again, he wasn’t the only one with a hardboiled will that had been ensnared in Allen’s little performance at breakfast. Lavi couldn’t claim to have been paying that much attention to anyone else, but he knew for a fact that Yu had at least looked. If he could get to Yu, then Lavi was a goner for sure.

He had made it all the way back to his room before he suffered another encounter. A hand on the doorknob, he could almost taste freedom when a pair of arms wrapped around his torso from behind. He froze.

How didn’t I notice him approach? he wondered, eye wide. The telltale sleek black left arm offered no wiggle room for the identity of who was behind him, but that didn’t calm Lavi’s nerves.

“You ran off so fast I thought I wouldn’t catch you in time,” Allen purred into his ear. “Why are you in such a hurry? I thought you wanted to spend some quality time with me.” Lavi could feel the other’s chest pressed against his back, and he clenched his jaw before relaxing.

“Yeah—yeah, of course. I just didn’t know you...wanted to hang out so soon,” he said, carefully measuring the pitch of his voice. Allen’s hands fell to his sides, tugging lightly at his shirt.

“We should go to my room instead. I wouldn’t want Bookman crashing the party,” he said, and Lavi could hear the smile on his lips. Lavi swallowed.

“Uh...sure. That sounds like a good plan,” he said, slowly allowing Allen to pull him away from the door to his room and his escape. The cursed exorcist looped his arm around Lavi’s as they started walking down the corridor toward his own room, and Lavi made a great effort to keep his eye averted.

By the time they were in Allen’s room, Lavi’s palms were sweating. He cursed himself inwardly. He was never this nervous, but for all he knew he could have misinterpreted every single one of Allen’s bouts of promiscuity. Then again, he was a Bookman. He didn’t just “misinterpret” things.

Allen sat on the edge of his bed, knees spread just enough to seem casual, and just enough to be extremely distracting. Lavi hovered by the door, a little put off by the...decorations despite the situation. There were various odds and ends lying around, amoung which were some rather haunting themes. What the hell, Allen…

“Don’t be shy! Come sit with me,” the boy said patting the spot next to him. Lavi cleared his throat and gave a strained smile as he crossed the room to take the seat.

“Sorry… So uh, what do you wanna do?” he asked, bracing his hands behind him. Allen hummed thoughtfully, and Lavi stared as his tongue traced his bottom lip before his teeth caught it, and when it retreated he started nibbling on his lip.

He’s trying to kill me, Lavi surmised. His eye shot back to Allen’s when he spoke again.

“Oh, how about a game of cards?” he suggested, smiling brightly. Lavi blanched.

“You’re kidding, right?” Allen shook his head.

“Don’t worry,” he said, walking his fingers from Lavi’s knee to his thigh, leaning in a little. “I don’t want your money. Strip Poker is more fun, anyway.” That grin was downright lecherous and Lavi swallowed. Again.

Don’t ask him why he agreed. Ten minutes in and he was without his scarf and headband. By twenty he’d lost his uniform jacket and gloves (Allen made him count both gloves as one item). By the time he had been stripped to just his shirt, pants, and undergarments, he was beginning to feel a bit slighted, but he supposed that went without saying. He’d managed to divest Allen of his own gloves, but he had a sneaking suspicion Allen had let him win that round.

With yet another loss, Lavi chose to sacrifice his shirt. He rolled his eye and lifted the article over his head, but when he could see again, Allen was right in front of him. He yelped and fell back, catching himself on his elbow. The boy only smiled yet again, shifting down to rest in Lavi’s lap, one arm lying across his hips and the other supporting Allen’s chin. His legs kicked lightly in the air behind him, and the playful look in his lavender eyes only made Lavi that much more fearful.

As it were he was blushing in spite of himself, and he hated how Allen could elicit such genuine reactions from him.

“W-what are you doing?” he asked, still trying to play it cool even though he knew he was fucked. The hand across his hips lifted to walk fingers up his bare chest, and he withheld a shiver at the contact. He’s so cold.

“I feel bad for you,” Allen said instead of answering. “You lost so many games, I thought I’d offer some consolation.” His index finger rested on the dip of Lavi’s collarbone, and he fought to control his breathing.

“C-consolation?” he questioned, eye on Allen’s hand, but apparently the wrong one. He sucked in a small breath when he felt another chilled finger trace just below the hem of his pants, eye widening. He didn’t know where to look.

“Mhmmm…” Allen hummed again, and the fingers on his chest splayed out, ghosting back down his skin with featherlight touches. His pulse was frustratingly loud in his ears, and he wished Allen would just get to the point already. “You’re fun to tease, you know,” he said then, making Lavi blink. “You act so cute when you get a taste of your own medicine.” He flashed Lavi another grin, head tilted to the side.

“M-my own med—” He cut off with a quiet gasp as a finger flicked over his nipple, fists clenching the bedsheets.

“You get to tease everyone all the time, and now I get why you like it so much.” The hand by his pants fiddled with his fly, and Lavi couldn’t get a word out of his throat. Then, however, Allen removed his hands altogether, placing them instead on the insides of his thighs as he snagged the button of Lavi’s pants with his teeth. He jolted and gaped, unable to look away from as Allen smirked up at him. He could feel the cool tip of his nose brush against his lower abdomen, tickling the small trail of red hairs that disappeared beneath his waistline, and he shuddered out a breath.

Allen tilted his head and popped the button, pausing to tongue the zipper before taking that by his teeth as well. The sound as it opened drew on and on until finally it reached the bottom, revealing the pale blue of his boxers and the growing tent beneath. Lavi bit his lip as the warmth from Allen’s hot breath seeped through, but if he didn’t do something now then he was going to lose his mind. He brought a hand to Allen’s head, pushing back his hair in a light grip (damn, he was going for his shoulder but it seemed his body had other intentions).

“Wait,” he panted. Allen glanced up at him with deceitfully innocent eyes, and Lavi realized he didn’t know what to say. “I—are you sure about this?” No no no, you’re supposed to stop him, stupid! Lavi chided himself. Maybe he already had lost his mind.

Allen smiled. “I’ve wanted this for a while,” he said. But then he hesitated, giving the tongue-and-nibble show from before, and Lavi noted that that must have been a natural pensive tick rather than a ploy to tease. “Do you want me to stop?” The hint of a pout tugged at Allen’s lips, and Lavi’s heart somersaulted in his chest.

No, God no, his mind provided. The sliver of rationality he still had left clung to some idea of morals and what-if-Bookman-finds-out, but at the moment he couldn’t care less. Allen Walker was making sexual advances on him and God he wanted it.

He loosened his hold on Allen’s hair, and the boy smiled at the unspoken answer. Immediately he dipped his head, and Lavi reeled at the sudden heat that engulfed him. He could feel Allen press his tongue against the fabric of his pants, lips mouthing at the stiffening shape of his cock. Cool fingers danced along his hips, gripping the hem of his pants and tugging down. He left them at his thighs, clearly more interested in the bulge still hidden by his underwear. Lavi moaned as his mouth returned, far more intense with only one obstacle. The damp slide of his tongue made Lavi grit his teeth in a futile attempt to keep quiet. And when he closed his lips over the head— Christ. He had to have done this before; Lavi refused to believe Allen was inexperienced by any stretch of the imagination. The realization brought him back to their earlier conversation in the library, and the thought that Allen had done this with any of those others made him seethe. He’d probably only been messing with Lavi, but that did little to sate the sudden surge of possessiveness.

He gripped Allen’s hair again, making him stop his ministrations with a wince as he glanced up. The look in Lavi’s eye must have tipped him off, for he smiled and hooked his fingers under Lavi’s boxers, pulling down. The redhead sighed as the cool air met his sensitive skin, but the relief was quickly replaced by burning pleasure as that hot tongue slid over his length. He tipped back his head with a groan, squeezing shut his eye as he felt Allen’s hand encircle his shaft. He gave it a few strokes, blowing softly where he’d just licked, and Lavi whimpered. Thankfully he was a merciful lover (for what it was worth), and he placed his lips over the head of his cock. He sucked lightly at first, tonguing the slit with devious flicks before he started to take him fully into his mouth. Lavi forced his head back up to watch as he disappeared past Allen’s lips, his own jaw slack with awe as Allen took him right down to the base without pause.

And then he moaned.

Lavi cried out softly as the vibrations ran up his shaft, but Allen gave him no time to recover. His tongue laved up the underside of his cock as he pulled back, circling around the tip again before plunging back down. Lavi kept his hand in Allen’s hair, the other still holding him up by his elbow. Lavender eyes flicked up to meet his gaze, the boy’s head and hand turning this way and that, causing all sorts of sensations to ripple through his body. There was a kind of temptation there in his eyes, and Lavi narrowed his. On a whim he braced Allen’s head and gave a tiny thrust of his hips, relishing the way those eyes widened for a second.

Lavi paid for it dearly, though. Allen placed both hands on his hips, pinning them down with unprecedented strength. Lavi groaned as he watched Allen suck him off with only his lips, the sight no less erotic. His hips continued to jerk involuntarily, unafraid to withhold his responses now that he didn’t have to worry about choking Allen.

He damn near whined when the younger exorcist pulled off his cock with a wet noise. Thankfully he wasn’t left blue-balled—quite the opposite, actually. Allen’s head ducked farther down, and Lavi barely stifled another embarrassingly loud sound as he felt that mouth on his balls. They twitched at the attention, and that only seemed to spur on Allen as he took one into his mouth and sucked. Lavi moaned helplessly. He knew he could pull Allen away if he wanted, but why would he want to do that? This was the best kind of torture he’d ever experienced.

When Allen pulled away again, he used one hand to grab his cock and bring the tip to his lips, planting a brief kiss on it before he stuck out his tongue. He tapped the head against it, flinging the gathered precum into his mouth before he sucked on the head again, hollowing his cheeks. Lavi burned with desire, and if he could just fuck that sinful mouth one more time, he could find release. However, Allen had other plans.

He let go of Lavi completely, pulling back and easily disengaging the redhead’s hand from his hair. Lavi watched with weak limbs as the boy began to strip. He loosened his bow tie and unbuttoned his shirt one button at a time, tugging the hem from his pants before he shrugged it off his shoulders. Then he started on his fly, undoing it with the same infuriating sluggishness. When finally they were loose, he shifted around so he could push them off along with his underwear, baring his red-tipped cock all at once. Lavi stared unabashedly, licking his lips as it bounced with his movements. In the next moment Allen had ripped off Lavi’s pants (not literally, thankfully), leaving them both naked in the faint light of the moon filtering in through the barred window.

Allen was kneeling between Lavi’s legs, knees slightly spread like before and offering a great few of his endowments. Though riddled in scars much like his own skin, Allen’s body was thin and toned, milky where it remained unmarred. And of course there was that Innocence arm of his, inky in the dim light, like a shadow. That same hand wrapped around Allen’s shaft, pumping slowly while Lavi watched, mouth agape. He reached for his own cock so he could properly enjoy the view, but Allen’s free hand swatted him away, a coy smile playing at his lips. Lavi just bit his lip and returned to watching, feeling utterly unsatisfied and slighted yet again.

Allen’s hand paused to press his thumb just beneath the tip of his cock, nail pressing lightly into the glans, and he moaned. He had such a light voice when he was being pleasured, and Lavi decided he wanted to hear more of it. His eyes remembered every detail he could see, but he wanted Allen’s voice to be seared into his memory. Moaning, gasping, screaming, crying out Lavi’s name—

“I’ve—thought about you before,” Allen said, startling him as he looked up. “While doing this. Some nights I lie awake and imagine you touching me, all over me, inside me.” He stopped to whimper as he flicked his tip with his thumb. Lavi stared. “I sucked my fingers thinking about sucking you off, fucked myself thinking about your cock filling me up.” He panted.

“Holy shit,” Lavi whispered. He fisted his hands in the sheets again to keep from touching himself, knowing he’d only be swatted away again. “Allen, please—” He choked on his words as Allen surged forward suddenly, leaning over him as he continued to jack himself off. Lavi’s throat went dry. He tried to say something else, but then he felt Allen’s knuckles brush over his shaft, and the next thing he knew he was jacking them both off.

His arms gave out and he fell back on the mattress with a moan, a hand moving to grasp the arm that held up Allen. This time he thrusted without restraint, fucking into Allen’s hand and against his cock. Precum slickened their skin, creating a smooth friction that drove him insane. Allen’s fingers teased their tips, thumbing his slit or pressing under the crown. They both panted in unison, their movements syncing up. Allen’s lips were on his neck then, mouthing and biting and sucking everywhere he could reach, and all Lavi could do was moan.

His rhythm stuttered, and Allen’s followed suit. Neither of them lasted much longer as the pleasure crested. Cum spilled over Allen’s hand and across Lavi’s chest, and at some point their lips ended up locked together, moans stifled in each other’s mouths as they rode out their orgasms. When at last the high began to fade, Lavi was limp, but Allen wasn’t done just yet. He pulled away and dropped his lips to Lavi’s chest, tongue lapping up their combined seed. Lavi managed a weak moan at the sight, snagging the wrist of Allen’s soiled hand once he finished and before he could get to it himself. He brought it to his own lips, sucking two fingers into his mouth and sliding his tongue between them to polish off the cum. He lapped up the rest on his palm and the back of his hand, holding Allen’s gaze the whole time.

Satisfied, the younger exorcist slumped against him, head nestled under Lavi’s neck as he rested his hand in the redhead’s. They were silent for a time while their breathing evened out, and Lavi’s eye fell closed. He could feel the pulse of Allen’s heart against his chest, gradually easing back to a normal rhythm as their euphoria died down. It was another few minutes before Allen spoke up.

“You enjoyed that, right?” he asked, voice so soft Lavi almost didn’t hear him. He blinked.

“Hell yes,” he said matter-of-factly. “What kind of question is that?” He felt Allen’s fingers  toy with his hand for a moment before he replied.

“...I figured this was the only way to get you to notice me,” he muttered. “You only ever showed an interest in girls, so I thought—…” He didn’t finish. Lavi pursed his lips and brought his hand to Allen’s chin, tilting up his head to look at him.

“Trust me, I’ve noticed you,” he said, smiling softly. “Lately I’ve noticed you a lot.” Allen giggled at that, and Lavi’s smile widened. “Maybe you wanna do things a little backwards and go on a date with me?” he asked, quirking a brow. Allen beamed.

“I’d like that.”

Lavi leaned up to kiss him gently. “Me too.”

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