kink bingo

tentacles ( tyki / wisely )

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Wisely had known about Tyki's "plan" for days. The Noah of Pleasure had never spoken a word about it to anyone, and had even taken measures to keep ample distance between himself and Wisely, but he had dearly underestimated the mind-reading capabilities of the fifth apostle. Wisely was beginning to get impatient on the day that Tyki's efforts and planning would come to fruition, but still he waited, tucked away in his room just as Tyki had "planned".

When finally he wandered into the zen maze that comprised Wisely's abode, the latter allowed him easy passage right to his bed (taking no small amount of amusement in the thoughts of pride Tyki congratulated himself with for such "impeccable navigating"). Wisely sat upon the mattress that was really a throne for sleeping, legs crossed and hands resting on his knees, and he regarded Tyki as he neared without sparing him an ounce of smugness.

"Come to ravage me at last? He asked. Tyki froze just a few feet away, blinking. Then his face broke out into a grin as he chuckled.

"I should have known I couldn't outsmart you," he said, striding forward. "You knew all along, didn't you?" Wisely nodded, smirking and leaning back as Tyki crawled onto his bed. "Then you know that I'm going to pin you down," he slid his hands over the Evil Eye's, pressing down, "rip off your clothes, and have my way with you until you're begging for more?" His voice trailed off in a purr next to Wisely's ear, and he shuddered.

"That's certainly the gist of it," he said, only the slightest bit breathless at the thought. He felt Tyki smirk against his ear, teeth nibbling at the lobe.


That made Wisely pause. Good?

"I've noticed that you can't seem to read Joyd's mind," Tyki said. "Because Joyd doesn't think. He acts on subconscious desires." He moved Wisely's hands above his head, trapping them both in the palm of his own. "So when he's in control, it gives me the chance to meditate in the recesses of my mind. To plant those subconscious desires." He dragged his lips down Wisely's neck. "I bet you've never been surprised before, have you?"

Wisely gasped as he felt the Dark Matter waft off of Tyki's body. Inky hair cascaded around him, and the first thing Tyki did was throw off his helmet. Those amber eyes held none of the bittersweet intention that the Noah so loved to use to toy with his victims. The hand on Wisely's wrists tightened painfully, and he gritted his teeth.

Joyd gave him no time to voice his protest, however. Wisely's eyes widened as he felt something coil around his legs, spreading them apart. Joyd settled between them, one hand still restraining the Evil Eye's while the other destroyed Wisely's clothes. He was left in tatters in no time, and no matter how valiantly he struggled, he couldn't break Joyd's grip.

Wisely moaned as Joyd rolled his hips, grinding their prominent arousals together. He was torn—he'd been fully prepared to let Tyki ravish him, but for the first time in a while he had been caught off guard by this turn of events. He had to admit he was impressed, though, and perhaps allured by the fact that Tyki had been the one to pull off such a feat Not many were even half as capable.

Another tendril replaced the hand on his wrists. Wisely writhed under the mouth on his neck which marked him up to Kingdom Come. At this point, however, he had stopped wanting to protest and had started arching into Joyd's touch. He barely used his hands, as if he were above dirtying them with the work his tendrils could do. Even now the Noah's arrogance shone through.

Joyd sat back to observe then. Eyes that lacked any sort of conscience roamed the blond's body, lingering in ways that made Wisely think he was planning just how he would ruin him. The fact that Wisely couldn't know those thoughts for certain made him tingle with excitement and maybe just a little bit of fear. Tyki was no pushover on a normal day, after all, and Joyd was an entirely different story.

Those lips descended upon him again without warning, and Wisely moaned. Joyd licked and kissed and bit his way down the other's chest, still frail from his life on the streets before his Noah genes awakened. Wisely bit his lip and tried not to squirm under Joyd's touch. His memories lacked any trace of virginity, but this body was still fresh and held a whole new assortment of sensations.

Joyd reached his groin then, and his mouth fell open in a helpless moan as he took in the blond's cock in one fluid motion. He could feel the presence of razor sharp teeth just a breath away from grazing his skin, and he shuddered. One of Joyd's smaller protrusions seized the moment to slip into Wisely's mouth then, and he gagged at the initial intrusion. It wasted no time in thrusting past his lis, roughly fucking his face while Joyd worked on his cock.

Wisely moaned around the tentacle, hips jerking as Joyd did something with his tongue. He could hardly keep track of everything at once in this state, and he loved it. Being able to let go like this, free from even his migraines, was what he'd been looking forward to the most. Not that he would admit such a thing to Tyki for fear of wounding his pride (not that he would care normally, but he felt he did owe something to Tyki for this).

He was so lost in the moment that he didn't feel the tip of another tentacle prodding at his ass until it pressed inside. He gasped and arched, only to squeeze shut his eyes as he felt teeth brush against his length. Joyd hollowed his cheeks and pulled off with a wet noise. Wisely was painfully hard now, a string of pre-cum connecting his tip to Joyd's lips. He panted lightly as the awakened Noah crawled back up his body, the tentacle in his ass, sliding farther inside as he did.

His thighs quivered around Joyd's hips and he choked out a quiet moan as he felt the other's length press against his. The tendrils around his legs spread them wider, lifting his hips off the bed. He strained his arms, compelled to fight against the confines if only for the rush of reminding himself that he was bound to Joyd's whim.

When at last he felt Joyd's hands on him, he couldn't help but smile around the tentacle in his mouth. So he wasn't below the Noah of Pleasure after all. Those hands stroked down his sides with peculiar gentleness. Then he gripped Wisely's hips, claws digging into his skin. He ached for the bloodshed.

The tendril slid out of him, but he had no time to mourn the loss for Joyd's cock pressed in just after. Wisely's mouth was freed, too, and he took the opportunity to cry out as he was filled yet again. Joyd's girth was much wider than the tendril, and with no lube, his ass burned and ached delightfully. His noise of pleasure seemed to entice Joyd, who let out a low groan.

The tendrils pulled his hips forward, fully sheathing him on Joyd's cock. Wisely gasped hoarsely at the mixture of pain and pleasure. His hands were lifted around Joyd's neck and he gladly clung to the other Noah as he began to thrust into him with abandon. He was acutely aware of the nails in his hips, and just as he longed for them to press harder, teeth clamped down on his shoulder. He let out a strangled groan, mind reeling as Joyd fucked him ruthlessly. He could feel the blood beading from the bite mark, and he reveled in the lingering sting.

His climax washed over him without warning, and he cried out as white splashed over his stomach. Joyd neither stopped nor slowed. In fact he sped up, driving into Wisely that much harder. The blond's voice pitched with the overstimulation, head lolling back. Joyd's cheek brushed against his, both damp with sweat. The tendrils pushed up Wisely's knees, nearly folding him in half as Joyd thrust his cock deeper inside of him with the new angle. Wisely could only lie back and moan as Joyd took what he wanted, and before he knew it he was coming again, Tyki's name on his lips.

That seemed to push the other over the edge. He slammed into Wisely before going rigid, spilling his seed into the blond, and quite the generous amount of it, too. Wisely felt blissfully full even as Joyd pulled out, body reverting back to normal. Lidded honey eyes gazed down at him with an exhausted smile, skin glistening with sweat.

Relieved of his binds, Wisely's body fell limp in the cradle of Tyki's arms. His chest heaved with exertion, but his face retained a happily fucked-out look.

"Why ever did you wait so long to do this?" he asked breathlessly, tilting his head into Tyki's hand when it brushed damp, pale hair from his cheek.

"The suspense is half the fun," Tyki said, smirk widening. Wisely managed a weak chuckle, closing his eyes as he let out a deep breath.

"Next time it should be you," he said. As a brief silence followed, he opened his eyes again to see Tyki furrowing his brows at him. He smiled. "Joyd is marvelous, but can you live up to that kind of expertise?" The challenge was clear. Tyki narrowed his eyes in understanding.

"Want to find out?"

"It would be my pleasure."

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