haikyuu kink shots but it's obvious who my faves are

public sex + crossdressing (atsumu/akaashi)

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“I can’t believe I let you talk me into this.”

Atsumu grinned, entirely too smug and dripping with appreciation for the stunning creature strewn across his lap. He smoothed his hand down the silky black stockings that wrapped around long long legs carved from only the finest of marble, perfectly accentuating every gentle curve and the power that lay just beneath the surface.

In spite of Akaashi’s half-hearted complaints, Atsumu felt him lean back against his chest, pointedly looking anywhere else but him. He chuckled, nosing over Akaashi’s shoulder to nuzzle at the fabric of the soft black turtleneck that clung to his throat, teasing at the thin black chains and cross charms that dangled from his ear. From this angle, Akaashi’s profile was evocative of an olden god who had earned every right to sit upon his throne. Perfect, resplendent, intimidating, and sexy as all hell.

“Don’t act like yer not eatin’ this up,” Atsumu murmured against the shell of his ear, taking no small delight in the faint shiver he felt against him. “Yer the hottest thing at this party. Everyone either wants t’kiss ya, kill ya, or be ya. Yer puttin’ those poor damn strippers t’shame.” Akaashi breathed a laugh.

“And what about you?” he asked. Atsumu hummed in question, already getting distracted by breathing in more of that intoxicating perfume Akaashi wore, drawing his lips back to the sliver of skin between his jaw and ear over and over again. “What do you want to do to me?” Atsumu felt another wolfish grin stretch his lips as he glanced up, catching those piercing blue eyes peering down at him with nothing short of contempt. Electricity trickled down his spine and pooled between his legs, making him twitch. Gods, his boyfriend was so hot.

“I wanna take ya apart,” he answered honestly. “Right here. Fuck ya stupid ‘til ya make a mess in those cute li’l panties I know ya got on.” His hand traveled back up Akaashi’s thigh, fingers sneaking underneath the hem of his lacy black skirt to tease at the edge of the matching material hidden between his legs.

Akaashi’s hand came to rest on his wrist then, and Atsumu thought he was going to pull him off, reprimanding him for being so needy, but Akaashi surprised him by doing the exact opposite and tugging his hand closer until he could feel the growing hardness beneath thin lace underwear. Atsumu’s lips parted as another, fresh wave of want rippled through him, still trapped in Akaashi’s unwavering gaze.

“So do it,” he said. Atsumu faltered, waiting for some catch to the order, but Akaashi remained silent. Short, sweet, and to the point.

“...Ya sure ‘bout that, darlin’?” Atsumu inquired, gently prying at Akaashi’s legs to get him to uncross them. “Think yer gonna be able t’handle it? Or ya gonna make a scene so everyone turns t’watch?”

“You should worry about yourself,” Akaashi countered. He adjusted his perch on Atsumu’s lap, purposefully rubbing back against the conspicuous bulge tenting the blond’s pants now. Atsumu bit down lightly on his lip. “You’re the one who can’t keep quiet.”

Well, that was a challenge if Atsumu had ever heard one. A challenge that he was more than happy to accept. Akaashi had another think coming if he thought he could get Atsumu to break before he did.

He used his free hand to lift his glass of whiskey off the table they sat at and finish it off. They had already been here for a little under an hour, indulging high-spirited conversation with the friends they had come here with to celebrate someone’s divorce. It might have seemed like an odd thing to celebrate, especially at a gentlemen’s club, but the guy had a miserable marriage he had rushed into and he was just as excited as the rest of them to put it behind him.

Of course, Atsumu couldn’t resist the urge to use the occasion as an excuse to parade around his gorgeous, amazing boyfriend who had been struggling with his own self-worth a bit too much lately for Atsumu’s liking. He would seize any opportunity to remind Akaashi just how desirable he was. Now that their table had been abandoned in favour of their group of friends gravitating to the talented dancers dominating the stages scattered about the club, there was nothing stopping him from going the extra mile. Except for, perhaps, getting kicked out for public indecency (how ironic would that be?), but that had never been much of a deterrent.

Placing the glass back on the table, his hand drifted down Akaashi’s back, tracing the gentle curve of his spine. Eventually he found his way under the back of Akaashi’s skirt, stroking a finger through the cleft of his ass until he could feel the slight bump protruding through his panties. Akaashi twitched in his lap when he nudged at it, throwing Atsumu a dirty look over his shoulder, but it only made the blond chuckle. He carefully tugged aside the fabric of his underwear to reveal the base of the pink and black glass plug wedged snugly inside him.

“Ready?” he murmured, waiting for Akaashi to nod before he gripped the base and slowly pulled it out. Akaashi shuddered against him once it was out, closing his eyes and tipping his head back. Atsumu made quick work of discreetly cleaning off the plug with a few napkins before tucking it away into the purse Akaashi had brought with him. While there, he dug out a packet of lube from one of the pockets. Yes, they came prepared. Their relationship all but demanded that they always come prepared for this sort of thing. "Need my fingers?” he asked, but Akaashi was already adjusting to lift himself slightly off Atsumu’s lap, giving his confined arousal room to breathe.

“No. Just put it in me,” Akaashi said, voice edged with impatience. Atsumu smirked and worked open the fly of his pants, casting a precautionary glance around their table before revealing his hard length. It already stood to attention, slapping softly against the skirt still hiding most of Akaashi’s modesty. The little vixen took the liberty of reaching behind himself to lift the back of his skirt, helpfully providing a clear view of the alluring fabric clinging to his ass. Atsumu bit down on his lip again as he hastily tore open the lube packet and spread its contents over his cock.

It took some maneuvering so as not to make it immediately obvious what they were doing, but eventually, he pulled aside Akaashi’s panties enough to press his tip against his prepared entrance, and slowly, slowly, Akaashi lowered himself again, sinking down on his lap with a new intrusion to accommodate. Atsumu sighed quietly as he felt Akaashi’s warmth engulf him inch by inch.

Fuck, yer perfect,” he praised, resting his hands on Akaashi’s hips. He felt the latter flutter around him once he was fully seated again, hands gripping at the edge of the table with white knuckles. “Ya okay?”

“Yeah, yeah,” Akaashi breathed, but he didn’t move yet, so Atsumu kept himself still, too. They stayed like that for a few heated moments before Akaashi experimentally rolled his hips, squeezing around Atsumu’s cock and then relaxing. Atsumu let him take his time, even though he was already starting to feel a bit hazy. Akaashi’s ass tended to have that effect on him. “Okay. Move.”

Atsumu gave a gentle thrust upward, barely missing the tiny whimper in the back of Akaashi’s throat over the vibrating bass that surrounded them. They moved in tandem, Akaashi’s hips rocking with every thrust while he kept his torso still. He was insanely talented like that. Flexible, too, but sadly Atsumu wouldn’t be able to indulge that here. He kept his hands on Akaashi’s hips, lips trying to find new ways to kiss and lick and bite at any exposed skin he could find without leaving marks.

“Atsumu…” Akaashi breathed, eyes closed and lips parted as he panted softly. The blond hummed, waiting for him to continue even though he knew what his lover wanted from him. “Please…touch me.”

“Mmh…but I am touchin’ ya, darlin’,” he pointed out, delivering a particularly rough thrust that made Akaashi jolt and knock his knees against the underside of the table. Atsumu’s laughter rumbled against his back and Akaashi cracked open his eyes to level him with a seething glare.

“You know what I mean,” he hissed. Atsumu toyed with a piercing in his ear, tugging at it with his teeth.

“Don’t think I do. Care t’be more specific?” His hands slid in between Akaashi’s thighs, gripping at the soft, supple flesh there and feeling the hard muscle underneath, just to spread them a little wider and listen to Akaashi mewl. “C’mon, baby. Tell me what ya want.”

“Atsumu.” Akaashi’s voice was tinged with desperation now, his hips pushing back against the other’s in search of more friction. Atsumu’s hands were maddeningly close to where he knew Akaashi wanted them, but he wasn’t budging without hearing what he wanted to hear first. “Please.”

“Please what, babe?” He watched Akaashi bite down hard on his lip, screwing his eyes shut. It was hard to see in the flashing lights of the club, but he could feel the heat radiating off the other’s face.

“Please— please touch my cock,” he choked out, turning his head away from Atsumu. “I can’t—I can’t come if you don’t—”

“This not enough fer ya?” Atsumu teased, though one of his hands moved to cup Akaashi between his legs nonetheless. He felt Akaashi shiver against him. “Ya got my cock buried inside yer greedy li’l ass in front o' all these people an’ ya still can’t get off unless I’m strokin’ ya? Ya jus’ want everyone t’see how hard ya are, gettin’ fucked in a place like this where anyone could turn an’ watch.”

Akaashi’s mouth fell open in a broken, half-abandoned moan, leaning forward on his elbows against the table as he arched his back into the touch of Atsumu’s hand. Atsumu rubbed his side with the other soothingly, kneading his palm into the straining hardness behind Akaashi’s panties. He wasn’t going to relieve him of the fabric. He planned to make good on his promise of watching Akaashi make a mess of himself, and he knew Akaashi liked the rough texture against his sensitive, straining erection anyway. He did, however, lift the hem of the skirt, baring Akaashi’s confined arousal to the world, so to speak, should anyone dare to sneak a glance under the table. He felt Akaashi twitch against his hand, knowing that the exposure was getting to him. Atsumu leaned forward to nip at the back of his neck, wishing more than anything that the stupid collar of the turtleneck were out of the way now.

“How’d ya like it if I threw ya over this table an' spread ya open wide fer everyone t’see?” he murmured, his small, shallow thrusts growing more frenzied as release teased at the edges of his mind. “Get everyone’s attention while I fuck ya open on my cock, let ‘em all watch ya turn into a messy li’l whore. They’d all get t’see how desperate ya are t’cum fer ‘em, get off on their eyes all over yer body knowin’ all they can do is look. ‘Cause yer mine, ain’t ya?”

“Yes,” Akaashi gasped, gripping at the table for dear life. “ Fuck, yes, m’yours, ‘Tsumu. I want—”

“What d’ya want, baby?” Atsumu whispered hoarsely, hand tightening around Akaashi’s hip and rubbing him harder through his panties. Akaashi gave a cute little moan, far less concerned with keeping quiet the more he lost himself to pleasure.

“I want— I wanna— Oh gods, I wanna come, ‘Tsumu. Please, please, I need—”

“Shhh, I got ya, baby. I got ya. Come fer me, Keiji.”

That was all it took for a shudder to roll through Akaashi’s entire body, tipping over the edge of orgasm. He pressed a hand tightly over his own mouth, squeezing his eyes shut as he clenched around the cock still rocking into him. Atsumu felt his dick twitch underneath his panties, soon followed by the telltale wet warmth that seeped through the fabric. Atsumu was quick to follow, grunting into Akaashi’s hair with a few more sporadic thrusts of his hips before he painted Akaashi’s tight walls with his release. Akaashi moaned, low and long, as he was filled up, pressing himself closer to Atsumu’s hips as if to push his lover’s cum deeper inside himself. Atsumu bit down on his lip, closing his eyes against the sensation of being milked so thoroughly.

They stayed like that for a long moment, catching their breaths. There was a thin sheen of sweat on Atsumu’s forehead as he rested it against Akaashi’s shoulder, hands idly massaging his hips. Then he blindly reached for the other’s purse again, grabbing the plug from before, and just as he was about to pull Akaashi off of him to slide it back into place, he felt the bone-chilling presence of someone leaning over the back of his booth seat.

“Get the hell out of my club before I call the cops,” the gruff voice demanded. Atsumu gulped down his dread, haltingly glancing over his shoulder to find the unimpressed face of what must have been the club owner staring him down. He could feel Akaashi freeze up like a stone statue on his lap, refusing to move. Atsumu cleared his throat through a feeble attempt at a laugh.

“Yes, sir. Right away,” he obliged. The owner grunted out a scoff and stood up to wander back off into the depths from which he came, undoubtedly to fetch a bouncer to ensure that the two of them made good on their exit. As soon as he was out of sight, Atsumu wasted no time in slipping out of Akaashi and pushing in the plug in his place.

“You asshole, ” Akaashi hissed at him, jerking from the cold material being wedged back inside his abused hole. “You stupid, fucking—”

“Hey, hey,” Atsumu protested, giving his ass a light pat. “Easy there, tiger. It was bound t’happen eventually, right?” He was grinning in spite of himself, grabbing a handful of napkins to wipe off his softening dick before tucking it back into his pants. Akaashi scrambled to slide out of the booth and stand up on wobbly legs, looking down at himself with a sour expression, likely noticing the uncomfortable stickiness between his legs from coming inside his panties.

“Let’s just go before they change their minds. Come on, ” Akaashi urged, tugging at the collar of Atsumu’s shirt. The blond stumbled his way up, just barely remembering to grab Akaashi’s purse before they were rushing out of the club. He couldn’t help but laugh on their way out, finding the hard set of Akaashi’s lips pressed into a thin line all too amusing. He was going to get so much shit for this when they got home.

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