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a/b/o knotting (oikawa/iwaizumi)

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Iwaizumi Hajime presented as an alpha during his second year of high school, the first out of his friend group in the same year consisting of Matsukawa Issei, Hanamaki Takahiro, and, of course, Oikawa Tooru. It made sense that he would present first, being the oldest, excluding Hanamaki having already presented as a beta in middle school. Matsukawa followed a few months later as another alpha. Now they were in their third year of high school and the only one who had yet to present was…Oikawa.

It wasn’t unheard of for people to present late. Hell, a very small portion of the population didn’t even present at all due to genetic conditions. Nobody thought that that was the case with Oikawa, though, given that he came from a long line of distinguished alphas, omegas normally marrying into his family simply to continue the strong alpha bloodline. There was no doubt in anyone’s mind that Oikawa would present as an alpha in due time.

However, graduation came and went, and still, Oikawa had not presented. It was early summer before they would all go their separate ways for university. Iwaizumi and Oikawa were in the latter’s bedroom, getting a head-start on packing Oikawa’s things for his move to Argentina in a few weeks. It was a bittersweet time in their lives, knowing that they would likely go years without being able to see each other, but knowing the next step was a crucial one to take in their lives. Everything was going to change in a matter of weeks.

“I just don’t get it,” Iwaizumi blurted out suddenly, talking over the music they had playing softly in the room while they packed. Oikawa staggered out of his closet with a heaping armful of clothes, nearly losing his balance on his way to deposit the pile onto his bed. He flashed Iwaizumi a confused look over his shoulder as he started folding.

“Get what?” he asked innocently. Iwaizumi sighed and walked over to pause the music on Oikawa’s phone from the nightstand. “Hey! I like that song.”

“Aren’t you worried?” Iwaizumi asked, staring at him. Oikawa let his gaze linger for a moment longer before turning his attention back to his clothes.

“...If you’re talking about when I’m going to present, then no,” he said. “It’ll happen or it won’t. There’s no use stressing over it.”

“But—what if there’s something wrong with you? Shouldn’t you at least see a doctor to find out if—”

Jesus, Iwa-chan!” Oikawa huffed and threw down the shirt in his hand, turning back to Iwaizumi to cross his arms. “What a thing to say to someone who’s about to fly across the world in a month. Why are you so pressed about it anyway? It’s my problem, not yours.”

“Because I—” Iwaizumi cut himself off before he could say something a little bit stupid and majorly inappropriate in that moment. He took a deep breath and sighed. “Because I’m your friend and I’m allowed to be worried about you. You know what happens to deltas who don’t get medical attention in time. You should at least get checked out so they can try to catch it early if it’s—”

“I’m not fucking sick, Iwaizumi!” Oikawa raised his voice, pinning the alpha with a deadly glare. Iwaizumi shrank under the use of his full name, pursing his lips. “So I’d appreciate it if you stopped acting like I am. I’m not a delta. I’m going to present one way or another, so just…drop it, okay? Please.”

He knew it was a sore subject for Oikawa. He knew Oikawa had his own insecurities about not presenting yet. He knew that, underneath his bravado, Oikawa was terrified of being a delta. It would encumber his entire athletic career if that were the case. Iwaizumi was sure he could live with being a beta if it turned out that way, but with the way things were going, that wasn’t in the cards. Betas normally presented much earlier than alphas or omegas, since their development wasn’t dependent upon their first rut or heat.

They both knew that every day that passed was another step closer to the likelihood of Deltaplasia.

“...Oikawa, you’re going to see a doctor before you leave for Argentina,” he stated, leaving little room for argument. Oikawa, as always, found a way to subvert that.

“Oh, really?” he scoffed, putting a hand on his hip. “And who’s going to make me do that? You? My mother? Newsflash: I’m legal now. I can make my own decisions.” He huffed out an incredulous breath and went back to folding his clothes. “Maybe you should leave.”

“Not until you promise me that you’ll see a doctor,” Iwaizumi countered.


“Do it.”

“You can’t make me!” Oikawa yelled, turning to throw a balled-up shirt at Iwaizumi’s chest. A growl bubbled out of his throat as he caught it and swatted it aside.

“Quit acting like a spoiled fucking brat, Oikawa!” The brunet lifted his chin defiantly. The growl continued to build in Iwaizumi’s chest. “I’ll drag you there myself if I have to.”

“Ugh, you’re such a brute! ” Oikawa grabbed two more fistfuls of clothes to chuck at Iwaizumi’s face. “I’m not going to see a doctor!”

Just after Oikawa pitched the second wadded-up shirt at him, Iwaizumi lunged forward and caught his wrist in a vice-like grip, quickly dispatching the other when Oikawa tried to pry him off. What began as a growl seeped past his bared teeth like a lethal hiss instead.

“You will.”

He hadn’t meant for his alphan sub-vocals to slip out, but they did. They never worked on Oikawa anyway, so he might have been acting a little more careless than he normally would. This time, however, seemed to be different. Oikawa’s knees gave out from under him, his body slumping forward, and Iwaizumi barely had time to release his arms and catch him before they both toppled over. He still wasn’t prepared for the weight, though, so he ended up dropping Oikawa on his knees, following right after him.

“What the hell? Hey, Oikawa! What’s wrong with you?” he asked. Some of his anger had waned from the suddenness of their new predicament, replaced by budding concern instead. Oikawa’s eyes were somewhat dazed, but he still managed to look as confused as Iwaizumi felt.

“I-Iwa-cha— I…” Oikawa blinked rapidly as if trying to dispel the haze from his eyes, a shudder rippling through him. He gripped Iwaizumi’s arms weakly, but with no small amount of desperation. Iwaizumi watched him with wide eyes, clueless as to what to do in this situation. Oikawa’s voice came out meek and faint when he spoke next, as if he were having trouble forming the words. “Wh-what’s… I don’t—know what’s happening to me.

“Okay, okay, just—just stay calm,” Iwaizumi instructed. “And stay here. I’ll—”

He was going to say he would go get help, probably call Oikawa’s parents or his sister to drive him to a hospital or something, but as soon as he moved to stand up, Oikawa’s grip on his arms suddenly tightened tenfold and he folded over himself, his head dropping onto Iwaizumi’s shoulder with a pained groan. This close to him, with his head bowed and his neck exposed like that, it didn’t take long for the smell to hit him. In fact, it hit him like a bag of bricks. Thick and so, so very sweet, like raw honey, with a twinge of something strong and sharp, savoury like salt, but not table salt, the kind of salt that wafted on a sea breeze like a siren’s song calling him into the ocean depths. It exploded around him and filled the room to the point that it was suffocating. He couldn’t get away from it, but there wasn’t a single part of him that even wanted to. On the contrary, every atom in his body commanded him to stay right where he was, holding Oikawa, comforting him, touching him, smelling him, tasting him—

He jerked his head back when he realized how close he’d gotten to Oikawa’s neck, lips parted to bare his teeth again, just salivating at the thought of closing them around Oikawa’s scent glands. Scent glands that had never carried any particular scent before now.

Oikawa slowly lifted his head to look at him and Iwaizumi got an up-close view of how his pupils were blown wide, so wide his eyes were nearly all black, and his skin was feverishly warm, cheeks a bright pink and lips parted to pant for air. It was all too reminiscent of—



Oikawa had gone into heat.

A lot of things happened too quickly after he made that connection. One, Oikawa kissed him— hard. Iwaizumi had completely lost the plot of whatever the fuck was going on before the overwhelming scent of Oikawa’s heat flooded his mind, so he was helpless but to accept it. Well, maybe not completely helpless. He could feel himself kiss back, try to fight it off, kiss him again, nip at his lips without meaning to, try to resist, kiss him again, repeat. He was fighting a chaotic battle between his brain and his instincts and his instincts had always had the upper hand against his judgement.

Two, Oikawa crawled into his lap and whined when their hips rubbed together. Iwaizumi could already feel the damp spot gathering between Oikawa’s legs, seeping through his track pants, polluting the air with an even more concentrated version of that fragrance. Vaguely Iwaizumi registered that he had his hands on Oikawa’s hips, his claws digging into the brunet, and he let out the most animalistic growl when he ground their hips together again, distinct bulge tenting the front of his pants that drove him crazy when it nudged against that impossible heat between Oikawa’s thighs.

Three, somehow Oikawa ended up on his back, Iwaizumi hovering over him, pinning down his wrists and grinding into him like some mindless beast while he continued to ravage Oikawa’s lips with his tongue and teeth. He noted, distantly, that this all felt entirely too wild, like neither of them were in control of themselves, and he was certain that his rut wasn’t due for another week and a half, but somehow, someway, Oikawa’s heat had triggered it early, a heat which Iwaizumi had inadvertently triggered by using his alphan voice. He would take full responsibility for this just as soon as he returned to his senses.

Unfortunately, that didn’t appear to be happening anytime soon. Oikawa cried so desperately for him, for his knot, for his alpha to take him, claim him, mark him. His babbling barely made any sense, but Iwaizumi’s inner alpha heard everything it needed to hear. He wished he had started taking his suppressants early, but how could he have known? How could he have possibly predicted something like this would happen? That it was even a possibility? A born-omega Oikawa was so rare in the past few generations, and Oikawa had had all the makings of an alpha.

He didn’t have the opportunity to ponder the absurdity of it all. He had pulled off Oikawa’s pants without realizing it, the scent of his slick overpowering now that he was laid bare. What happened to his shirt? It looked ripped on his chest. Iwaizumi’s loins throbbed at the sight of the omega underneath him just waiting to be ravished, deflowered, claimed. It was like an out-of-body experience to feel himself lean down and lick up the potent slick sticking to Oikawa’s thighs. It tasted even better than it smelled, enticing, addictive. He lapped it up like a dehydrated dog on a hot day, until the insides of Oikawa’s thighs were red and likely over-sensitive from all the attention. He glanced up to find the omega writhing on the floor, cock leaking over his stomach. It looked like he just came.

“Alpha, Alpha, please, I need—I need my Alpha. Please, please, fuck—my Alpha. Fuck me, knot me, please please please—”

He sounded absolutely wrecked. How was Iwaizumi supposed to deny him anything when he begged like that? It would just be downright cruel at this point. Heats were painful for most omegas without someone to satisfy their need to be knotted. Oikawa must have been suffering just waiting to be knotted. His Omega was in pain. Iwaizumi needed to do something about that.

So he did the only thing that made sense. He flipped Oikawa onto his stomach (somehow he didn’t feel nearly as heavy as he normally did) and pulled him up onto his knees by his hips. He managed to free his cock from his pants, shoving the clothing down to his knees as he draped himself over Oikawa. It took him a few tries to get the position right, then he slipped in suddenly and without warning, sinking deep into the wet, welcoming heat of Oikawa without resistance. Oikawa all but screamed when Iwaizumi slid in to the base, back arching and hips thrusting back against the alpha’s. Iwaizumi gritted his teeth at the feeling, new and overwhelming and so, so good. It was still a snug fit, given Oikawa’s virgin status prior to this (and his own, for that matter), but it wasn’t even slightly uncomfortable. Just intense.

His hips moved of their own accord, drawing back and then snapping forward again, jolting the omega with the sound of their skin slapping together. Oikawa clawed at the floor, twisting his fingers into the clothing scattered around him, while Iwaizumi gripped his waist with one hand and used the other to support himself, still folded over the omega and panting against his exposed neck.

Fuck, that neck looked good enough to bite. He really, really wanted to. A part of him still acknowledged that that was a very, very bad idea, though, so he refrained, if only for the time being, instead focusing on the fucking inferno between their bodies. Oikawa’s walls were like velvet, hugging around him like they were made just to fit his cock inside. Every time he pulled back, Oikawa clenched around him, refusing to let him go and drawing him back in each and every time.

Their pace was frantic and reckless, Oikawa’s voice running ragged with his screams and pleas to be knotted and bred and claimed. Iwaizumi was helpless but to obey, pistoning his hips even as he felt some slight resistance beginning to form when his knot started to inflate. Fuck, he did not picture his first time going anything like this. He was hardly prepared, sorely inexperienced, and far too desperate to knot his Omega to care about literally anything else.

“Please, Alpha, my Alpha, your knot—I want it. Please, please, Alpha—”

Iwaizumi growled, a sound that came from a place in his chest that he didn’t even know could produce noise. Oikawa’s voice pitched in response, some sort of omegan reflex that drove Iwaizumi wild. He pressed his forehead to Oikawa’s shoulder, fucking into him as fast and as hard as he could. He could barely think, let alone form words, so all he could do was give Oikawa exactly what he wanted.

The omega jerked the next time his knot tugged past his rim, which signaled to Iwaizumi that it was time to pop it. He thrust forward one more time, burying his cock as deep as it would go, and groaned as he felt Oikawa’s heat settle around it, clenching at the base and holding him firmly in place. His hips continued to grind against him shallowly, drawing pitiful noises out of both of them before the fire in his gut reached its peak and he felt the sweet release of shooting load after load of his seed deep into Oikawa.

He howled alongside the omega’s breathless cry of relief, then felt his teeth sink into something a little tender, salty, and warm. Oikawa gave a full-body shudder underneath him, eyes flying open and lips agape. Iwaizumi felt like he blacked out for a split second as an entirely new and profound pleasure pierced through him. He imagined it was akin to getting struck by lightning, even bordering on semi-painful despite the way it made his knot spasm and release another flood of cum into the omega he was tied to.

The omega he had just marked.

His Omega.

Iwaizumi had a feeling that the word “storm” was going to be redefined for him just as soon as they came back to their senses.

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