haikyuu kink shots but it's obvious who my faves are

cock-warming + lingerie (meian/alisa)

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Meeting Alisa Haiba for the first time was like walking into a fairy tale. Through his connections to Kuroo, one thing led to another, and before he knew it, Meian found himself head over heels for one of Japan’s star models. She was stunningly beautiful, charming, funny, sweet enough to rot teeth, and he would be remiss not to mention the fact that she was sexy as all hell. He would like to be the kind of man who didn’t even bother listing something like that, but it felt like a disservice not to.

How could he not start salivating the moment he saw her at the banquet sponsorship that evening in a damning red mermaid dress with the off-shoulder lace that accentuated her flawless pale skin speckled with a sparse dusting of glitter? One thing that must be understood about Alisa Haiba was that she never missed an opportunity to dress up. She also looked damn good in red, and being that that was Meian’s favourite colour, he was helpless but to stare.

“You should close your mouth before you catch a fly, Shugo.”

He’d been so busy gawking that he hadn’t even noticed when she approached him, painted-red nails wrapped around a glass of champagne. He promptly pressed his lips together and swallowed, only slightly disappointed in himself. Clearing his throat, he snatched his own glass of bubbly off a passing tray, primarily to keep his hands occupied. Idle hands, and all that.

“You should…” He dug around for a sensible retort, but he lost all train of thought when those two-toned eyes blinked up at him. “...Dance with me,” he said instead—arguably a much better choice than trying to banter his way out of an awkward situation.

This time Alisa seemed to be the one dumbfounded as she blinked a couple more times before a brilliant smile lit up her face.

“I thought you’d never ask.”

Up until then, they had been seeing each other somewhat casually. Meian wouldn’t really call it dating since they had yet to set that kind of expectation with one another, but they had fun meeting up together and spending time with their mutual friends, or sometimes on their own. Occasionally they would run into each other in town and chat for a couple hours while they tended to their errands. It was nice. Fun, innocent, and carefree.

Tonight, though, it seemed that all of Meian’s silent yearning had come to a head when he made that bold first move, leading to an exhilarating dance with his hands on her hips and her arms around his shoulders and ending with an early retirement from the event when she pressed her glossy lips close to his ear and asked him if he’d like to take her home. When they arrived, she invited him in, and being only human, he couldn’t refuse. She made him a drink, he ran his fingers through her hair, she smeared her lipstick on his mouth, he stripped her down until he discovered what she’d been hiding under that dress all night.

“Were you plannin’ this?” he asked a bit breathlessly, heated eyes taking in the sight of the black and red silk and lace that clung to the curves of her body like a second skin. She giggled softly as he traced the outline of her bra with a finger, thumb flicking over the pert nipple he could just make out through the fabric.

“I wouldn’t say planning so much as…hoping?” she offered. He looked up to meet her suddenly shy gaze, watching the way she tugged at her lip with her teeth while the barest hint of a flush warmed her cheeks. “Is it…too much?”

“No. Gods no,” he quickly assured. Grabbing her by the waist, he dragged her down against his hips where she straddled him on her futon, letting her feel how hard he was through the thin layer of her thong. “I love it.”

Alisa breathed out a relieved sigh that shuddered at the end as she pressed into him, the warmth of her core seeping through his clothes and making him throb in anticipation. For a moment they just sat there and moved against each other, Meian’s hands exploring the shape of her body and tracing the patterns of her lingerie. It was mesmerising to see and feel the thin, scanty lines of fabric littered across her skin—like a work of art. He certainly wanted to admire it like art, but if he went much longer without feeling her around his dick, he was afraid he might combust.

He started with his fingers, pushing aside the thong to feel the wetness that had gathered along her folds. They moaned into each other’s mouths at the sensation, and Meian circled the tip of one finger around her clit until her thighs started twitching on either side of his. Only then did he relent, swallowing the soft whine that left her mouth while he dipped that same finger inside her, breath rushing out of him as he felt that impossible heat suck him in. One became two and two became three in short order, stretching her open slowly and methodically in a way that had her arching into him before he’d even gotten his dick out.

That quickly changed, however, when he pulled his hand away at just the right moment to keep her dangling over that edge she was chasing. He chuckled when he felt her hands ball into fits on his shoulders and her chest deflated from all the tension that had been building up.

“...Mean, Shugo,” she complained into his neck, the skin there no doubt as red as her lips from how she’d been mouthing at him and gently biting into him. He rubbed both hands up her back and back down, far enough to squeeze her thighs.

“I’m gettin’ there, darlin’. Don’t you worry,” he said, kissing her shoulder in apology. He sat up then, bracing one arm around the small of her back as he leaned forward to reach out with the other and pluck up one of the loose condom foils that had so considerately been left out on her coffee table. He’d noticed them earlier when he walked inside and had quickly pieced together where the rest of their night was heading afterward.

Unsurprisingly, Alisa pointedly avoided his gaze when he winked at her as he caught it between his teeth while his hands worked to unfasten his pants. He’d discarded his jacket at the door, his tie and button-up having come undone sometime during their makeout session on the futon, so it was a simple matter to shove his trousers and underwear down his thighs just enough to free his straining cock. It hadn’t been easy to restrain himself while he had his fingers inside Alisa and the evidence was clear in the reddened, leaking tip that undoubtedly left a sizeable stain in his boxers.

Meian watched her expression curiously as he gave it a few strokes, preening at the way she bit her lip again and her pupils dilated just so while she took in the sight and the size of him. He tore open the condom then, gently rolling it over his length and spitting into his hand to wet the shaft. When he pressed the tip against her entrance, he could feel how wet she still was, practically dripping from her abandoned climax mere moments prior, so it only took a bit of rubbing to slicken the way before he was pushing inside, one hand steadying the base of his cock and the other gripping her hip.

He let Alisa sink down onto him at her own pace, breath shuddering out of him as he felt inch after inch slide deeper into that warm embrace. She gave a stuttered moan of her own when she was finally seated, walls fluttering around him as she adjusted to his size. Meian fought to keep still, but as the moments passed, their laboured breaths the only sound to fill their ears, he found it quite comfortable to be sheathed inside her like this, the occasional involuntary squeeze around him like an erotic massage that kept him at full mast.

He didn’t move right away, enjoying the feeling as his hands resumed their roaming of Alisa’s body. His fingers toyed with the garter belt, sliding his fingertips underneath the edge of the fabric to tickle at the sensitive skin of her stomach beneath and feeling her muscles convulse in response, in turn sending a soft, rippling sensation through the pussy wrapped around his cock that made him hum in approval.

“Shugo…you can move now,” Alisa whispered, clutching at his shoulders again as if preparing herself. Meian smiled, nosing along her chin to make her tilt her head back so he could place soft kisses along the column of her throat.

“Wait a bit longer for me, darlin’. You feel so good around me right now. Think you can do that?”

He felt the bob of her throat against his lips as she swallowed, followed by a tentative nod. Her breath sounded loud so close to his ear; it was clear she was having just as hard a time keeping herself still as he was a moment ago. She was eager to ride him and he was eager to please her, but first he wanted to test the limits of her patience just a bit more.

Calloused hands sliding back up her sides, they traced around the edges of her brassiere to find the clip in the back, deftly undoing it so that it fell loose around her chest. As the straps fell down her arms, his palms moved back around to cup her breasts through the flimsy fabric, rubbing it against her nipples to hear her whimper and make her squirm on his lip. Once he slipped off the undergarment entirely, his lips blazed a path down her neck, over her clavicle, and along the slope of her breast until he could fit his lips around one nipple and suck. Alisa yelped at that, squeezing around him in surprise as he rolled the nub ever so gently between his teeth. He promptly moved to do the same to the other, his hand rising again to knead at her unattended breast while he delegated his attention between him.

Her fingers found their way into Meian’s hair, tugging softly with their grip, but she didn’t pull him away. Every sound he drew out of her was accompanied by another quiver around his cock, slowly driving him to the edges of his own patience by the second. When his lips finally migrated back to her neck to kiss and lick at the skin there, his hands wrapped around her to squeeze at the supple flesh of her ass, gently stretching and squishing the pressure around his cock inadvertently.

“Shugo, please—”

Meian didn’t give her time to finish her request. Using his grip on her ass, he lifted her just a couple of inches before dragging her back down, his hips rising to meet hers. She gasped at the feeling of him finally moving inside her, nails digging into his shoulder and scalp, and she wasted no time falling into a rhythm with him. Her thighs lifted her hip and his hands pulled her back down, feeling his cock slide all the way home each time. He had to keep a finger hooked around the fabric of the thong to keep it from chafing against his shaft, but the experience of fucking her in her lingerie was novel enough to make it a non-issue.

“— Ah! Shugo, you’re so-so big, ” Alisa praised, almost crying with pleasure as he thrust up into her, the head of his cock dragging along her walls with every stroke. “Please—h-harder—”

Like a gentleman, Meian obliged. He gripped Alisa’s hips to stop her movement, holding her in place over his lap, but he didn’t give her long enough to mourn the loss of his cock as he promptly thrust back up into her at double the pace from before, the sound of skin slapping against skin filling the room. He could feel his cock kiss her cervix with every thrust, but her moans still carried the same notes of pleasure, if louder than before, so he didn’t let up, pounding into her with hungry force as he chased after the bubbling heat in his groin.

“I’m gettin’ close, darlin’. You gonna come for me, too?” he panted into her ear, grip so tight on her hips he was sure he would leave marks in the shape of his hands.

“Yes! I’m so close, Shugo, I’m almost— Please, please, please! Fuck me— Oh, gods, your cock feels so good!”

The passing boost to his ego only served to make him redouble his efforts. He hammered his hips into her, moaning into her neck as his teeth rested on her skin. He could swear her nails broke his own skin with how tightly they bored into him, but he didn’t care. His climax was fast approaching and his thrusts were growing sloppy, uneven, hurried. Just when he thought he couldn’t hold out any longer, he felt her walls begin to spasm around him as a moan bubbled out of Alisa, almost like it caught her by surprise, and she shuddered in his hands as her orgasm flooded through her.

Right on cue, the line of tension in his gut snapped, and with a few more half-abandoned thrusts, he buried himself as deep inside her as he could. He felt his balls draw up, his cock pulsed, and then he was spilling his cum into the condom, surrounded by the heat of her clenching cunt. He stuttered out a low groan, holding her in place as his hips rutted into her, reacting to some primal need to fuck his cum deeper into her in spite of the condom.

As they both came down from their highs, Alisa settled back into his lap, resting her weight against him while they breathed together in silence. Meian could safely admit that that was by far the most intense orgasm he’d experienced in a while and he was ever so glad that he got to share it with someone as amazing as Alisa.

After a few moments, Meian wrapped his arms snugly around her and finally spoke.

“...Will you go on a date with me?”

Alisa sputtered for a second before she devolved into a fit of giggles against him, her arms looping around his neck. She sat back just enough to look at him with her bright, blue-green eyes, smeared lips stretched wide in a brilliant smile.

“I think you owe me at least that much.”

All Meian could do was grin back at her and kiss her as if he were the luckiest man alive. As far as he was concerned, he was.

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