these secrets that breed loneliness

chapter six: unfinished business

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The next two weeks were absolute torture.

Tobirama made good on his promise to “show” Madara just what that toy of his was good for via sporadic pictures that grew more and more risque to the point that Madara had second thoughts about opening any of his texts in public. But don’t get him wrong; he certainly wasn’t complaining. Yagura was gone most nights now, which afforded Madara all the time in the world to thoroughly enjoy these little gifts. And God were they something. The first few had been tame in comparison to what was displayed on his screen now.

None of them featured the boy’s face, and just as well. Madara had no intention of ever letting these slip out of his exclusive possession, but he approved of the safety measures. Especially with that lacy little white number adorned with a faux-fur collar that did positively devilish things to Madara. In this particular picture, Tobirama sat on spread knees, showing off his creamy, muscular thighs and leaving little of to the imagination of what lay between his legs. In the next picture, a hint of that blue toy protruded from his ass where he had pulled aside the thong that was in serious danger of the growing bulge in the front. Madara groaned at the sight, palming his own erection through his boxers. He simultaneously dreaded and longed for the day that he would get to see Tobirama in that lingerie in person, although he doubted the boy would be wearing it for long.

Pushing down the elastic of his boxers to free his dick, Madara gave himself a few strokes to spread the pre-cum beading at the tip over his shaft, offering a slick gleam as he positioned his phone to take a picture. Tobirama had yet to reveal himself so fully, but Madara felt he owed the Senju for the collection he now had on his phone. He sent the image and continued to stroke himself, thumbing over his slit and keeping his pace slow.

A minute passed before Tobirama replied.


Today 9:41 PM
You’re bigger than my dildo. I’m jealous.

I’m only this hard because of you. I love your lingerie

You wanna take it off me?

You have no idea. I’d use my teeth. Lick and kiss and bite you all over

That’s hot. I want your mouth on me. I want you to leave marks.

Madara shuddered, smirking as he bit into his bottom lip just imagining what kind of marks he’d love to leave on that boy. He quickened his pace a little, pausing to fish out his balls so he could massage them briefly.

I’ve thought about doing that and more. I’d mark you where everyone can see it

What else have you thought about doing?

Oh, but did Tobirama really want him to go into detail? Madara pondered it, wondering if it were worth exposing Tobirama to the bare minimum of his kinks. His shower fantasy had hardly covered it, but even that posed its own risks. He didn’t want to scare off the poor kid. Pursing his lips, he decided on something relatively tame, but accurate to his thoughts.

Fucking your mouth while I pull your hair

The immediate response made Madara hesitate, but he sighed in relief at the message.

Fuck. I want that. I want to taste your thick cock.

Damn him. Damn him straight to Hell. Madara was going to McFreaking Lose It.

I bet you do. I’d make you beg for my cock, make you earn it

Mm you can try but you’ll probably get too impatient.

Madara smirked again. Now that was a challenge he could go for.

Save yourself the effort. I can draw out sex for as long as I want

I can just make you watch me get off without being able to touch yourself

Would you tie me up?

If you want me to. I could shove that thong in your mouth too

Or use it to jerk off with

If I gave it to you would you send pics?

Well shit. That was a thought.

Only because you asked nicely

I’ll cum in it for you.

Such a sweet boy. I can’t wait to taste it

Are you close?


Send me a pic of your cum.

How could he say no to that? Madara groaned and tipped back his head, redoubling his efforts to stroke himself to completion. His cock throbbed desperately in his hand, all too interested in their conversation and the implications that lay beyond it. He closed his eyes and thought about fucking into that thong just like he’d said he would. He prayed to God that it smelled like Tobirama, too. Just thinking about what musky aroma his body might have carried had him leaking all over his hand. The fire in his stomach blazed hotter with every stroke until he spilled with a muted cry, hips jerking into his hand. Thick, white ribbons of cum shot over his bare stomach and chest and dripped down his shaft and fingers. Breathlessly, Madara positioned his phone again and took a picture just as another spurt dribbled out of his slit. Fuck. Even he thought that was hot.

He was able to clean himself up with a few tissues before Tobirama replied, and Madara was met with that lacy thong spread open by pale fingers, fabric painted with traces of Tobirama’s seed. Madara’s spent dick twitched with interest, but he willed it to calm down. There would be time to indulge in that when he got his hands on that thing.

Looks like you really enjoyed yourself ;)

...I liked it when you called me a sweet boy.

Another twitch, this one more persistent. Madara licked his lips, reading over that message a couple times just to make sure he wasn’t imagining things. Maybe Tobirama really was as much of a kinky bastard as Madara. He would have to dig up more details on that.

Yeah? Maybe we can call next time

I want to hear your sweet moans too

You’re gonna make me hard again.

Good, you’re going to need that stamina to keep up with me

Is Hashirama home?


Madara bit his lip. Damn.

Next time then. When should I come over to get my gift?

He’s going to a business meeting Saturday night. You can stop by around 8.

I’ll be there~


Madara paused and stared at that symbol for a moment, fingers hovering over his phone. He couldn’t be sure that Tobirama hadn’t given it a second thought, but he did have to consider that the boy might have. And so what if he had? A simple heart seemed far less committal than the big three words and he supposed that was fine. After another minute of consideration, he sent one back, setting aside his phone before he could think too hard about it. Hashirama had told him not to stress over these things, and the irony of “these things” concerning Tobirama aside, he would heed that advice. With luck he wouldn’t regret it.

Two days passed until Saturday rolled around. As it were, Hashirama had personally invited Madara to his house to “babysit” Tobirama, stating that his business meeting was a couple towns over and he would be staying at a hotel for the night. And if that weren’t the best stroke of luck Madara had ever been blessed with, he couldn’t imagine what was.

He and Tobirama had seen each other a couple times over the course of the past two weeks. Primarily at Hashirama’s house, but they had managed to meet up for lunch once or twice during Tobirama’s lunch breaks at school. Madara’s outings had not gone unnoticed by his roommate, who made it his mission to interrogate the Uchiha every chance he got. He had already assumed that Madara was dating Tobirama, but he was denied any further details than that. Not that they had anything to hide, not really, but the less Yagura knew the better. Not to mention that Yagura and Hashirama were friends, and Madara had yet to decide when or if he wanted to tell the man that he was seeing his kid brother.

He pulled into Hashirama’s driveway just as the latter was walking out the front door.

“Hey, thank you for coming on such short notice,” the Senju said as Madara turned off his motorcycle and pulled off his helmet.

“No problem. I didn’t have anything planned,” Madara said, dismounting.

“Okay, there are leftovers in the fridge and you can make anything you want if you get hungry. We already ate supper so Tobirama shouldn’t bother you about that,” Hashirama said. “There’s a spare key to the house on the nightstand in my room. We have Netflix if you want to watch anything, and, uhh… The dogs will need to be fed in the morning, but I told Tobirama to take care of that. He’s doing homework right now so he might be in his room for a while. I should be home around noon tomorrow.”

“Got it.” Hashirama hugged him briefly before hurrying to his car.

“Alright, I’m off! Have fun!” he said. He paused before closing the door, however. “But not too much fun,” he added with a pointed look. “He’s not allowed to throw any parties or go to any parties. Don’t let him have any friends over, either. They’re all delinquents.”

Madara laughed and shooed him back into his car, closing the door for him.

“Don’t worry. I have it all under control,” he said. Hashirama gave him a thankful look through the rolled-down window, then bid farewell as he pulled out and drove off. Madara watched him turn the corner at the end of the road before he turned to walk inside.

“That took him long enough,” came Tobirama’s voice as he emerged from the hallway. “He fusses too much.”

“He worries about you,” Madara corrected, although there was little difference. “You should be thankful.”

“I am. It’s just annoying.” Tobirama met him at the doorway, helping him shrug off his jacket after he toed off his shoes. “I didn’t expect him to invite you over. That worked out better than I thought it would.”

Madara smirked, tucking his gloves into the pocket of his jacket and hanging it up. “It must be Fate,” he said. Tobirama smiled and stepped forward to place his hands on Madara’s hips, meeting him for a kiss as the Uchiha looped his arms around his neck.

“Are you hungry?” Tobirama mumbled, barely giving Madara the chance to speak as he kissed the side of his lips.

“No, I ate,” he said, tilting his head to drag his lips along Tobirama’s jaw.

“Mm, good. I didn’t want to wait.” Madara lightly raised his brows at that, nosing under the boy’s ear.

“Oh? Did you have something in mind, sweet boy?” he purred. Tobirama’s entire body shuddered against him, a tiny noise leaving his throat. Madara smirked as he watched the tips of his ears turn red.

“I regret telling you that,” Tobirama said a little breathlessly, swallowing as his hands tightened on Madara’s hips. “I wanted to show you what I’m wearing under my clothes.” The nibble on the Senju’s ear turned into a slightly harder bite than intended and Tobirama gasped quietly.

“Naughty boy,” Madara murmured, placing an apologetic kiss on Tobirama’s earlobe. “I bet you were thinking about having me all to yourself non-stop.”

“You gave me a lot to think about,” Tobirama said, slipping his hands under Madara’s shirt. “Are you going to keep teasing me or are you going to do something about it?” Madara chuckled lowly and dropped his hands to Tobirama’s wrists to move his hands out from the Uchiha’s shirt.

“Lead the way.”

Madara lightly slapped the boy’s ass as he turned to do just that, earning a coy glance over his shoulder as he led Madara back to his room. Madara closed the door behind him as a precautionary measure. It wasn’t impossible that Hashirama might return for something he’d forgotten (far from it, really; the bloke was as forgetful as they come). Not that Madara could be certain the man wouldn’t get curious as to just where Madara had gotten off to. Or that he wouldn’t be too distracted. On second thought, he locked the door as well.

He was content to lean back, cross his arms, and watch as Tobirama threw him one more glance before disrobing. His eyes wandered over every pale inch of that body as it came into view. The real treasure was revealed as Tobirama stepped out of his pants, leaving behind that same white lace that he had seen in the pictures. Thigh-high stockings held in place by an elaborate two-piece garter belt secured around his waist, flimsy, used panties concealing the bare minimum of his package to make it tantalizingly irresistible to want to reach out and rip it all off of him. Madara traced his lips with his tongue, gaze shamelessly raking over Tobirama’s body as he thought of all the different things he could do to it. Should he go for a slow and sensual appraisal while he slipped off the stockings? Or a hot and steamy hands-on approach?

Well. I did say I would use my teeth.

Madara finally lifted his eyes to Tobirama’s again to find his own gaze lowered, a red flush stretching all the way down his neck. It was beyond Madara’s control to think just how adorable that was. He stepped forward with a smile, reaching out to caress the boy’s red cheek before he even considered touching any other part of him. Tobirama looked up in surprise, lips parting as if he wanted to ask what Madara was doing.

“You’re gorgeous,” he said, thumb tracing Tobirama’s lower lip. “Those pictures didn’t do you justice.” If it were possible, Tobirama’s flush grew even deeper. Madara smiled and leaned forward to capture his lips in a soft kiss that slowly grew in intensity as he gave the boy time to get more comfortable with the situation. Once their tongues poked out, Madara allowed his hands to roam. First to his chest, fingers brushing over sensitive nipples that hardened under his touch. He teased them for a moment, enjoying the soft breath he elicited. Then he traveled lower, sliding his palms over the albino’s well-toned muscles. They fluttered beneath his hands, the quirk of Tobirama’s lips suggesting a hint of ticklishness. Madara smiled against his lips again, hands drifting around his hips and over the fabric of his lingerie until he had two handfuls of fine ass at his disposal. He didn’t hesitate to give them both a firm squeeze, making Tobirama arch his back slightly as he continued to massage the supple flesh.

He broke their kiss in favour of guiding Tobirama to the edge of his bed, easing down to his knees as the boy sat. His lips trailed along his jaw and to his neck, dragging a line of saliva with his tongue before making his way to the protruding collarbone. He nipped along until he could dip his tongue into the jugular notch. Tobirama tipped back his head with a soft groan, supported by his elbows on the mattress. Madara moved lower still, bringing a hand back to Tobirama’s nipples to tease one while he flicked his tongue over the other. He closed his eyes at the shuddered breath that elicited, sucking gently on the hardened nub before offering the same treatment to the other.

Tobirama’s thigh pressed against his side, riding up somewhat as Madara continued his ministrations with his lips and tongue. He smirked and hooked his hand under the albino’s knee, slinging it over his shoulder as he brought his lips to the inside of his thigh. Tobirama made a muffled noise of surprise, lifting his head again to watch Madara with hazy eyes. Madara held his gaze as he mouthed along his thigh, then bared his teeth to sink them into the soft flesh. Tobirama’s breath hitched, biting down on his lip as he fought to keep up his head. Madara’s lips stretched into a smirk as he closed his eyes, laving his tongue over the new set of teeth marks. He gradually worked his way higher, nibbling along the strap of fabric holding up the stockings until he reached the thong he remembered oh so clearly. Tobirama’s cock strained beneath the fabric and Madara imagined it must have been quite painful. However, he did nothing to alleviate that pain, ghosting his lips over the prominent tent and bypassing it completely. Tobirama whined, an indignant huff leaving his lips.

“Do you ever stop being such a cock tease?” he asked airily. Madara chuckled, placing a kiss on the navel that was visible between the two pieces of the garter belt.

“That depends. Are you ready to start begging yet?” He flicked up his eyes to Tobirama’s again, teeth catching on white lace. Tobirama set his jaw.

“Not a chance.”

“Then I’m not done being a cock tease.”

And to prove his point, Madara turned his head to latch his teeth onto the hook holding up the stocking on the leg balanced on his shoulder. He released it with deft ease, immediately snatching the top of the stocking afterward. He lowered the leg from his shoulder in order to drag the fabric down slowly, nosing down the length of the boy’s leg. Once it was bunched around his ankle, Madara moved to the tip of his foot, nibbling briefly at his toe before tugging off the stocking entirely. Tobirama watched him all the while, chest rising and falling with gradually quickening breaths as Madara performed the same removal on his other leg. He was pleasantly surprised by the smooth skin he found beneath; he had to wonder if Tobirama had only bothered shaving in preparation for tonight or if it were a regular habit of his. With the lack of any missed patches, he assumed the latter.

Placing his hands on Tobirama’s legs, he slid them back up to his hips, slipping beneath the bottom half of the garter belt to tease the rim of the thong below. He dipped his head back in between the boy’s thighs, this time not hesitating to fit his mouth directly over the covered bulge. A strangled noise escaped Tobirama, hips jerking when Madara brought his tongue into play and laved a generous amount of saliva over the damp area concealing the head of his cock. Madara secured his grip on Tobirama’s hips, pinning them to the mattress as he sucked on the head through the fabric, feeling the length pulse against his lips. Tobirama’s muscles strained beneath his hands, but the Uchiha kept them firmly in place, refusing the boy to do whatever he wanted.

He had not, however, anticipated two hands fisting themselves in his hair and yanking him up to meet a rough, sloppy kiss. He made a noise in the back of his throat, half in surprise and half in the unexpected pleasure of his hair being pulled. Before he could react, Tobirama flipped them onto the bed, a knee between Madara’s legs and fingers tugging at his scalp. Madara moaned, a surprised flutter of thrill rippling up his spine as Tobirama dragged his knee against his groin, rubbing against his neglected erection.

“You were taking too long,” Tobirama murmured by way of explanation, lips finding their way to Madara’s neck to deliver a long, hard suck.

In spite of all his efforts thus far, Madara felt himself melting into the touch. Tobirama’s fingers released his hair in favour of teasing the nape of his neck, drawing out a shuddered breath as he sucked hickey after hickey onto his skin. As much as he wanted to bend Tobirama over the nearest available surface and fuck him face-first into oblivion, he couldn’t deny that this sudden dominant streak was hot as hell, as evidenced by the excessive pre-cum staining the inside of his pants.

(He had forgone underwear today. Sue him.)

However, it wasn’t in his nature to submit so easily, or at all for the vast majority of the time. He couldn’t remember the last time he’d taken dick up his ass and he wasn’t about to let this pompous fuck try to refresh his memory. With a growl he grabbed a fistful of white hair, his other hand snaking down to palm roughly at the boy’s ass and yank him closer. He swallowed Tobirama’s groan as he rolled them and pinned him down near the head of the mattress, moulding their lips together with bruising force. His fingers dug into Tobirama’s hips, dragging them against his own and eliciting mutual groans of pleasure.

“Fuck,” Tobirama breathed once Madara relinquished his lips in favour of mirroring the hickeys on his own skin with bite marks on Tobirama’s.

“That’s the idea,” Madara agreed with a smirk. Looping his arm under the small of Tobirama’s back, he shifted them farther onto the bed so that the boy could rest against the pillows. Then he pulled back to kneel between the other’s legs, reaching back to peel off his shirt and toss it blindly onto the floor somewhere. He extended his hand to flatten his palm over Tobirama’s bare chest, feeling his laboured breaths and excited heartbeat just below the skin. “Are you a virgin?” he asked, making sure to keep any hint of mocking out of his voice. The last thing he wanted to do was make fun of Tobirama’s sexual experience when they were on the verge of creating their own.

Tobirama glanced away, pursing his lips. “I’ve fooled around a little, but I’ve never actually done it,” he admitted. Madara moved up his hand to cup the boy’s face, coaxing him to look at the Uchiha again.

“Is this something you want to do with me right now?” he asked quietly, stroking his thumb over Tobirama’s cheekbone.

“Yes,” the Senju answered immediately. “God, yes.” But then he bit his lip, eyebrows knitting together slightly. “But please don’t treat me like some fragile fucking flower. I can handle it, so just...don’t hold back.” Madara’s gentle smile turned into a smirk as he leaned down to kiss Tobirama briefly.

“Believe me, you’ll want me to hold back just this once,” he murmured against the other’s lips. “The things I’d like to do to you would make the Devil blush.” The spark of desire in Tobirama’s eyes filled Madara with hope that his vast variety of sexual interests would not go to waste on Tobirama. Alas, all in due time. Madara pecked his lips again. “Don’t worry. I’ll make sure you become very familiar with those things. But this time, let me worship you.”

And oh, did he worship Tobirama. He traced every inch of that pale skin with reverent lips, whispering sweet nothings into his flesh while his hands seared their touch into Tobirama’s very soul. He had the boy biting back barely suppressed whimpers of his name before he had even removed that damning thong, and when he did it made things all the better. Tobirama’s cock was impressive; not as big as Madara’s, but more girthy, his balls hanging heavily beneath it. Madara was delighted to find Tobirama had taken to shaving here, too. While he didn’t care to tackle his own leg hair, he appreciated a well-groomed cock.

After locating a bottle of lube in the drawer of Tobirama’s bedside table (“For a virgin, you’re certainly prepared,” “Shove it, Uchiha,” “I plan to~”), he slicked up three of his fingers. He had one of Tobirama’s legs hooked over his shoulder again, the other spread obediently with a surprising amount of flexibility. Although, Madara supposed he shouldn’t have been surprised. Tobirama had to have developed a degree of flexibility to take on dancing as he had claimed. Madara would have to put that particular skill to the test sometime.

Dragging his finger along the crease of Tobirama’s ass, Madara smirked at the shudder of anticipation. He circled that finger around the boy’s entrance before delving inside. Tobirama immediately clenched around him, breath stuttering as Madara pressed farther inside.

“Relax,” the Uchiha coaxed. “It will feel better if you do.”

“Easier said than done,” Tobirama groaned, tipping back his head. Madara chuckled lowly and decided to give him a helping hand (or mouth, rather). Leaning down, he licked up the length of Tobirama’s cock, startling a gasp out of the boy as his back arched. Madara smirked and took the head past his lips, sucking gently and tasting pre-cum on his tongue. Tobirama’s walls fluttered around his finger, unsure of how to react to the two stimuli. Madara slowly took more and more of Tobirama’s length into his mouth, burying his finger deeper into the albino’s ass as he did. He bottomed out at his knuckle as the head of Tobirama’s cock hit the back of his throat, and he withdrew on both ends simultaneously. He developed a steady rhythm, relishing the moans from above as he worked open Tobirama slowly but surely.

He added a second finger once the boy had completely relaxed around him, repeating the process until he could slide in the third with little resistance. He withdrew once Tobirama’s squirming and moaning signaled a rapidly approaching climax. Tobirama whined at the loss, looking up at him with half-lidded eyes, chest heaving with ragged breaths. Madara simply smirked and brushed his fingers over the Senju’s balls and along his length before retracting them completely.

“Don’t worry,” he whispered, leaning down to tease Tobirama’s ear. “I have something much better for you, sweet boy.” Tobirama let out a breathy moan, and Madara chuckled as he finally relieved himself of his pants. The friction of the constraint had kept him nicely hard through the preparation. He reached for the bottle of lube again, squeezing a generous amount onto his hand to spread over his cock. He hissed quietly at the sensation, positioning his hips between Tobirama’s shaking legs.

Steadying the base of his cock with one hand, he reached out with the other to interlace his fingers with Tobirama’s by the boy’s head. Tobirama held his gaze as Madara rubbed his tip against the other’s puckered entrance, then slowly, slowly slid inside. It was maddening not to simply give in to his primal instincts and pound away at Tobirama until neither of them knew their own names, but he knew gentleness was important during this time. His own first time had not been nearly as pleasant and he wanted to make sure Tobirama’s only memories of this were pleasurable.

They both let out their breath as Madara bottomed out inside of Tobirama. His dick twitched inside the tight heat as Tobirama’s muscles fought to accommodate the intrusion. Looking down at the boy, Madara saw his mouth hanging open as he gasped in air, a bead of sweat dripping down his temple. Madara leaned down to lick it up, then to claim Tobirama’s lips. He slowly eased out as his tongue dove into the other’s mouth, right hand clasping a pale hip as he gradually worked up a rhythm. Tobirama kissed him back fiercely, unrelenting even as he was nearly bent in half by the curve of Madara’s body. His thrusts picked up in speed, and soon the room was filled with sounds of harsh breaths and sweaty skin slapping against skin. Tobirama’s arm curled around Madara’s shoulders, holding him close as the Uchiha drove into his ass with growing ferocity.

A well-aimed thrust had Tobirama arching up with a sharp cry, eyes flying open wide. Madara paused for just a moment before his lips stretched into a smirk, and all his efforts became focused on finding that spot and abusing it over and over again. Tobirama was left a shuddering mess beneath him, drool escaping his lips while his cock leaked all over the garter belt that still clung to his waist. Madara kissed him again, lapping into his slack mouth as he relished the familiar burn in his thighs. Tobirama wouldn’t last much longer.

As if on cue, Tobirama’s walls clenched around Madara’s cock, drawing out a low moan as his thrusts became rough and less coordinated. Tobirama’s thighs squeezed his hips, incoherent pleas spilling from his lips as the arm around Madara’s neck moved to clutch at his hair. Madara turned to press his forehead into the pillow beside Tobirama’s head, all of the boy’s noises going straight to his dick.

“Ma-Madar-aaah—! Madara, Mmm-aaah…” Tobirama poured out a continuous, broken chant of his name, and being a man of mercy, Madara released the Senju’s hip to wrap his fingers around his thick cock instead. Tobirama writhed, gasping out as Madara pumped him in time with his thrusts.

“Come for me, Tobirama,” he growled into the albino’s ear. “Come for me, my sweet boy.”

That was all it took to unravel Tobirama. His back arched off the bed as his cock spasmed in Madara’s hand before shooting its load all over Tobirama’s stomach and chest. The feeling of the sticky seed dribbling down his fingers did Madara in. He grunted as he buried himself as deeply into Tobirama as he could, then spilled inside him with a shaky groan. He rocked his hips through his orgasm, painting Tobirama’s walls with several spurts of his cum. Tobirama’s cock twitched in his hand, releasing one more gush of cum with a feeble sob from the boy.

The two stayed like that for a few minutes, wordlessly regaining their breath. Madara’s hair draped over his shoulder, creating the semblance of privacy even in the otherwise empty room. It was a moment spared only for the two of them, a pocket in time to capture this image of lust and love. And really, who was Madara kidding? To say that he felt anything less than pure, unadulterated adoration for this boy was not only a lie, but an insult to what they had just shared with each other. Madara would have been a fool to think that things would have escalated this quickly otherwise.

More or less back in his right mind, Madara pulled out his softening dick, earning a quiet whine from Tobirama. He leaned up with a tired smile, kissing Tobirama’s cheek and then his swollen lips.

“Was it everything you’ve ever dreamed of?” he asked, smoothing back the boy’s hair with the hand that had previously had a death grip on his own. Tobirama snorted weakly.

“M’pretty sure you just put all my dreams to shame,” he said, leaning into Madara’s touch. “You better not be bluffing about making the Devil blush. I expect great things from you.” Madara chuckled.

“I’ll try not to disappoint~” He kissed Tobirama again, then peeled his sweaty self off the poor boy to give him breathing room as he stood. “I’ll start a shower,” he offered, stretching his arms above his head.

“I’ll be there in a sec,” Tobirama said, unmoving from the bed. Madara snickered and left for the bathroom.

He was able to warm the water and rinse off most of the bodily fluids before Tobirama joined him, sliding open the glass door and slipping in to nudge him out from under the spray of water. Madara gave him a teasing glare, which was met with a raised brow and a smirk. Madara helped him rinse off, then proceeded to remove the cum in Tobirama’s ass. If not for having spent themselves so thoroughly, the way Madara dug his fingers into Tobirama likely would have spurred them on for another session then and there. They were able to control themselves for the time being, however, due in part to Tobirama’s soreness evident in the way he winced despite the occasional noise. Madara apologized by washing his hair for him, denying a return of the favour simply because he did not wish to put Tobirama through that hassle. Tobirama agreed and thanked him once he saw the sheer amount of effort that went into grooming Madara’s hair.

Afterward they lounged on the futon in the living room, Tobirama’s head in Madara’s lap while they watched an episode of Game of Thrones. Madara held a beer while Tobirama nursed a hot cup of chamomile tea (of his own volition, surprisingly; he said it would help the soreness). Madara carded his fingers idly through the other’s hair, still somewhat damp from their shower, but pleasant to the touch nonetheless.

“What do you think Hashirama will say?” Tobirama asked when the credits rolled on the screen. He turned in Madara’s lap to look up at him. Madara raised a brow.

“He’ll say, ‘How dare you defile my little brother!’ and ‘Did you even use protection?’ and blah, blah blah, blah blah,” he drawled. Tobirama chuckled and reached up to take Madara’s hand in both of his.

“I hope you know you’re clean. If I get Chlamydia after my first time having sex, I might just have to castrate you,” the Senju said. Madara raised both brows at that.

“Your brother might beat you to it,” he said, lightly tweaking Tobirama’s cheek with his free hand. “I go in for a checkup every year, but I haven’t had sex in a while.” Tobirama’s eyebrows drew in at that.

“Why not? I know it’s not because you couldn’t find someone willing,” he said, squeezing Madara’s hand. The elder sighed.

“No, it’s not that,” he said. “I just haven’t had the desire. I usually don’t unless I’m already close to someone.”

“That’s a thing, right?” Tobirama asked. “Demisexual, or something.” Madara nodded.

“I’ve thought that, too. It’s just easier to call myself ‘gay’.” He smiled and lifted his hands from Tobirama to stretch upward and yawn. Just as he was about to suggest that they sleep, fingers wriggled along his ribs, making him convulse and double over with a startled laugh.

“Sorry, you were wide open,” Tobirama said, unrelenting. Madara narrowed his eyes even as he smirked.

“You just don’t know when to give up, do you?”

“Not when it comes to you.”

Implications aside, the ensuing tickle war was of catastrophic intensity, and the two of them spent the rest of the night frantically searching for a store that would sell them a ceramic lamp at such a late hour.

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