haikyuu kink shots but it's obvious who my faves are

semi-public + car sex (oikawa/kyotani)

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Oikawa’s relationship with Kyotani had always been…strained. Kyotani was just so closed off and distant that Oikawa could never get a good read on him like he had with other members of their team in high school. There was always a certain kind of tension between them, like walking a tightrope and hoping that it wouldn’t snap beneath his feet. Even now, three years later when they were both in college and had had ample opportunity to grow into themselves and change, things still felt like an awkward dance that constantly threatened to tip into outright hostility at worst or, at best, an uncomfortably mutual lack of respect.

So how Oikawa found himself pressed up against the side of his car in the parking garage on campus with Kyotani’s tongue down his throat and his own hands grasping desperately at the blond’s shirt was a complete mystery. If he had to guess, he would say it was due to repressed sexual frustration, all the stress from his classes, the desire to rebound after his last failed relationship a month ago. Honestly, it could be any number of things, even just the smell of Kyotani’s cologne or the way his muscles rippled underneath the form-fitting shirt he wore.

He never exactly anticipated finding himself in this position with Kyotani, but he couldn’t say he minded it. Kyotani had filled out well over the years, no longer the scrappy kid who was all odd angles and gangly limbs. His chest was broad and solid, his arms brimming with power just below the surface, and he was confident. Much more confident than Oikawa had ever remembered seeing him. Once they broke through the nearly tangible air of tension between them that led to this in the first place, Oikawa had expected to be the one to take the lead, certain that Kyotani would be hesitant and inexperienced, but that couldn’t be further from the truth.

Oikawa let out a quiet noise as Kyotani’s tongue moved against his, his large hands gripping at his hips and pressing their bodies together. His arm moved to wrap around Kyotani’s neck, pulling him closer as he bit lightly at the other’s lip. Kyotani growled, actually growled, and Oikawa felt his knees buckle. The blond broke away from his lips to assault his neck instead, all teeth and tongue without a trace of gentleness and it filled Oikawa’s head with haze and heat as he tipped it back against the hood of his car and moaned when Kyotani bit down—

Except he cut himself off when he heard the door to the stairwell open at the other end of the parking garage and voices spilled out into the air. Oikawa brought a hand to his mouth, a noise still trying to squeak out of him as Kyotani continued to suck what would definitely be a deep bruise into his skin.

“Kyoken-chan—” he whispered urgently, tugging at the other’s shirt. Kyotani simply grunted quietly, finally peeling himself off of Oikawa’s neck so he could straighten up and observe his work. He glanced over his shoulder, far too unconcerned with the sounds of people in the garage with them. When he turned back to Oikawa, though, he seemed to consider the panic in his eyes.

“...Get in the car,” he said then, voice low and gruff as always. It had a certain quality to it that rippled down Oikawa’s spine and settled low in his stomach, hot and wanting. He licked his lips briefly before turning around to open the door to the back seat of his car, crawling in to the other side so that Kyotani could follow.

He had come out here because he had meant to go somewhere—the library across town, he remembered, since it had a selection of books the school library didn’t—and Kyotani had followed him at a distance because they were going together to study for a project. Unwilling class partners, in the beginning, and the argument they were having over what to do for the project had spiraled out of control until Kyotani shoved him against the car and he must have seen the way Oikawa’s eyes had sparked with interest because it was all downhill from there.

In the cramped space of the back seat, Oikawa had his doubts about how much they could actually do here, but Kyotani seemed determined to do precisely whatever he wanted. He pushed Oikawa back against the far door, one knee propped up on the seat between his legs while the other knelt on the floor for balance. He was back to attacking Oikawa’s neck with his lips and he couldn’t even be mad about the marks he was going to leave because Oikawa owned a vast selection of turtleneck sweaters for a reason and it wasn’t as if he had any qualms about people finding out he’d gotten laid anyway.

His hand fumbled between the door and the front seat until he found the little lever on the side that allowed him to push the seat forward and give them both more room to maneuver. Kyotani took full advantage of that as he pulled back again, only this time he was focused on ridding Oikawa of his pants. The latter glanced worriedly out the windows, not seeing the people from before, but still paranoid about being caught in such a compromising position. They weren’t exactly hidden. Anyone who passed by would be able to glance inside and see everything. Somehow that thought brought a thrill that spiked the growing want in his stomach. Who knew he’d be into exhibitionism?

He lifted his hips for Kyotani to slide down his pants and boxer-briefs in one go. His shoes were still in the way, but Kyotani didn’t seem bothered by that, leaving the clothing bunched around Oikawa’s knees as he took in the sight of the stiff cock presented between his legs. Oikawa bit his lip at the look of hunger in Kyotani’s eyes, then watched as the blond dipped underneath his legs and reappeared between his thighs. Oikawa gasped at the first touch of Kyotani’s tongue against his length, squeezing his eyes shut and throwing back his head as he brought his hand back to his mouth to bite down on his finger. He still couldn’t very well risk letting all of his sounds pour out of him uninhibited, now could he?

Oikawa spared a glance down at Kyotani, whimpering softly into his hand as he watched the head of his cock disappear past the other’s lips. It was such an erotic sight, considering who it was between his legs right now, and he couldn’t stop the deep groan in the back of his throat when Kyotani took him all the way down to the hilt. His free hand flew to Kyotani’s head, not much to grab onto by way of hair, but he still held it there, neither pushing nor pulling as Kyotani swallowed around him. Oikawa felt his tongue circle around the head when he pulled back and his entire body shuddered.

Gods, where did he learn to do that? He was practically a professional with the way he took Oikawa down his throat without so much as wincing. Kyotani opened his eyes to look up at him then, holding his gaze as he swallowed Oikawa to the back of his throat over and over again. Oikawa’s fingers curled into a fist on his head, scrambling for purchase as his breath was wrenched out of him in muffled moans and quiet whimpers.

“Oh, Kyoken-chan… So good,” he panted, tilting his head back against the window again.

He felt Kyotani pause and, for a moment, panic gripped at Oikawa’s chest at the thought that he had said the wrong thing. Before he could even question it, however, Kyotani resumed sucking him off with renewed vigor. Oikawa had to choke back an embarrassingly loud moan when he felt Kyotani hollow his cheeks around him and swallow him down with earnest.

Fuck. Just like that, please—” He felt a vibration around his shaft from the low, deep noise Kyotani made in his chest, and all too soon that delicious warmth slipped away from him as the blond ducked out from underneath his legs again. A whine escaped him unbidden as he whipped his head up with wide eyes. “Why’d you—”

“Condoms. Lube. Where are they?” Kyotani asked, eloquent as ever. Oikawa didn’t miss the way his jaw strained, how his entire body was tense as he held the brunet by his thighs. His eyes trailed down to see the prominent bulge in the other’s pants, looking every bit like it was ready to break free at any moment, not unlike the rest of him.

“...Glove box,” he replied after a moment, eyes flicking back up to Kyotani’s. The latter grunted in acknowledgement before turning to reach around the seats so he could fetch the items. Oikawa didn’t question why Kyotani just assumed he kept things like that in his car or on his person. It was a pretty fair assumption, all things considered.

Once Kyotani found what he was looking for, he set aside a foil packet on the console while he brought the two small packets of lube into the back seat with him. Oikawa helpfully lifted his legs that were still more or less bound together by his pants there were bunched around his knees, putting his entrance on display with a coy smile. Kyotani stalled for moment, eyes drawn down to the puckered hole staring up at him, and Oikawa watched his Adam’s apple bob with a swallow.

“Please hurry, Kyoken-chan,” he whined with a feigned pout on his lips. “I need it.”

That appeared to be all the encouragement Kykotani needed to jump back into action and tear open one of the lube packets to pour its contents over his fingers. Oikawa kept his arms looped around his knees, pressing his lips together in an attempt to keep himself quiet when he felt the first cool, slick finger breach his entrance. Crowded into the back seat of his car like this wasn’t exactly the most comfortable position to be in, but that also added to the frantic heat building between them, the desperate need to finish what they started before they risked someone walking by at the wrong time.

Kyotani worked him open methodically, waiting until he had relaxed around one finger before adding another. Oikawa was impressed with his attentiveness, his restraint, but he was also beginning to lose his patience. Reaching out to grab the blond by his shirt, Oikawa yanked him forward until their eyes met.

“Inside. Now.”

For the first time since the moment they had met, Kyotani finally listened to him. He withdrew his fingers without looking away from the dazed determination in Oikawa’s eyes and leaned back just enough to work open the fly of his pants so he could free his straining arousal from its confines.Oikawa licked his lips at the sight of it, watching in rapt attention as Kyotani tore open the condom foil with his teeth, rolled it onto his length, and leisurely spread the lube from the second packet over himself with his fist. His ass clenched in anticipation of feeling that solid, mouth-watering muscle inside of him, and thankfully he didn’t have to wait much longer before Kyotani positioned himself to press the tip to his entrance.

Oikawa hissed as it breached him, spreading him wider than the two fingers he had taken for granted moments ago. His head thudded back against the window again, jaw slack as a broken moan tumbled past his lips. Kyotani was big, and even though he took his time feeding his length into the tight heat, Oikawa couldn’t help but lose his breath with every inch. When he felt their hips slot together, signaling that he was fully seated inside, Oikawa shuddered.

The burn that accompanied the stretch was pleasant in its own way. Kyotani lowered his head to Oikawa’s shoulder, teeth finding purchase on the skin above the collar of his shirt, and Oikawa groaned at the sharp pinch against his flesh that made him squeeze around Kyotani in such a way that had the other growling and rolling his hips forward. The motion was enough to jumpstart the frenzy that ensued, Kyotani’s hips snapping forward at a brutal pace and Oikawa clutching at his back, nearly bent in half with the way Kyotani pressed against him.

Rough hands pushed up his shirt, bunching it up under his arms so that surprisingly well-kept nails could rake down his chest. Oikawa gasped in pain, but it left his cock twitching against his stomach in clear interest, red and swollen and leaking for some kind of release. He slipped one hand away from where he’d been clawing at Kyotani’s shirt to grip himself instead, fisting his length in time with the maddened thrusts that scraped against his prostate only ever so often, but he didn’t care. This, all of this—the risk, the desperation, the spontaneity of it all—sparked a fire low in his gut that left his throat dry and his skin feverish with want.

Needless to say, neither of them lasted very long. Kyotani bit down on Oikawa’s shoulder once more, harder than before, and dug his fingers into his thighs as he pounded him into the seat of his car. Oikawa’s hand was sloppy and without rhythm, but it still served to bring him over the edge when he heard Kyotani’s quiet grunts and felt the hard, pointed thrusts followed by a stutter in his hips as he stilled. Oikawa cried out softly at the sensation of the condom filling inside of him, the way Kyotani’s cock pulsed within his walls, and he met his own end shortly after, spurts of cum dripping over his hand and onto his stomach in a lewd display. He continued to drag his fist over his length slowly, squeezing out every last drop of his shuddering orgasm before he felt himself fall slack in Kyotani’s grip.

They stayed that way for a few long moments, catching their breath and settling back into the reality of their situation. This was by far one of the least dignified hook-ups Oikawa had ever had, but he couldn’t very well say he didn’t enjoy it. The fact that he had ended up in this sort of situation with Kyotani, of all people, was still mind-boggling in and of itself, of course, but that was part of what had made it so exciting, even if they did find themselves at this point due to an argument he couldn’t even remember the reason for now.

Oikawa found himself absentmindedly stroking his fingertips through the short fuzz on Kyotani’s head that he called hair as he stared at the rear window that had gotten a little fogged up over the course of their coupling. His lips twitched up into a bemused smile.

“Well, well, Kyoken-chan,” he cooed, lightly dragging his fingers down the nape of the other’s neck and relishing the barely-there shiver the action elicited. “You’ve really grown up, haven’t you? Just how long have you been fantasizing about ravaging me like that, hm?”

He felt Kyotani stiffen against him and he couldn’t help but laugh. It was then that the blond shifted to sit up, that familiar scowl plastered back on his face, only this time it was accompanied by a faint blush on his cheeks. He muttered something under his breath, likely a curse or some sort of insult if Oikawa had to guess, but the brunet’s eyes sparked with amusement and he reached out to grab Kyotani by his shirt again before he could pull away completely, dragging him back down until their noses nearly touched. Kyotani’s eyes were wide, just a little bit agitated, but there was also a touch of intimidation there. Oikawa grinned.

“Why don’t you just tell me next time you wanna fuck me? I’m sure we can come up with an arrangement…” he purred, smile widening as he watched blatant desire flash through Kyotani’s eyes. He tilted his head forward just enough to nip at the other’s lip, rolling it between his teeth before letting go with a soft, wet noise and letting his head rest back against the window again. “We should really get to the library now, don’t you think?”

Kyotani swallowed. When they finally managed to get cleaned up and rearrange their clothes back into order, Oikawa drove them to their destination. If they got a little handsy on the way there, Kyotani’s agitation growing by the minute, and if they completely forgot about studying once they made it to the library in favour of finding an abandoned corner between the bookshelves where Oikawa could get on his knees and show off his skills, then that was nobody’s business but their own.

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