cause for celebration

i wanna be lost in you

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Azarias doesn’t waste a moment in flipping Julian around so that his chest is pressed against the tree, pulling his hips back against his own. They moan simultaneously as his clothed length rubs against Julian’s ass. He could honestly get off just like this if he wanted to, but that would be far less satisfying than being inside him.

He pushes Julian’s shirt farther up his back to expose the expanse of his pale frame. He can’t resist dipping down to litter kisses and licks and teasing bites across his skin, hands roaming to feel every inch they can touch. He might be a little obsessed with touching Julian. There’s just something alluring about the shape of his body, his broad chest yet narrow waist, the svelte curve of his spine, his maddeningly endless legs. Every part of him begs to be admired, praised, worshipped. Azarias can’t get enough of him.

His hands slide back down Julian’s hips to push his trousers farther down his legs, revealing that perfect ass of his. He can’t resist grabbing a handful of it and squeezing, eliciting a cute little noise from the redhead that makes him chuckle. He woefully parts from the human masterpiece in front of him so that he can retrieve something from the belt around his waist. It’s got a deceptively small pouch on it enchanted with a far more sizable interior from which he produces a bottle of some viscous liquid. Julian glances back over his shoulder when he pops the cork, cheeks lighting up once more.

“Wh— Do you just have that with you all the time?” he asks, scandalized. Azarias arches an eyebrow at him.

“Yes. It’s a healing salve,” he explains. If possible, he gets even redder and mumbles out a quiet “Oh” before turning back to the tree.

Azarias snickers under his breath as he dips two fingers in the bottle and then sets it aside. He grabs one of his cheeks with his dry hand to spread him open a little, circling a slick finger around his entrance. The cool temperature draws an almost violent shudder from him.

“Oops. Sorry.”

He quickly retreats before breathing a minor warming spell onto his fingers, then try again. Julian lets out a relieved sigh this time, relaxing as he prods a fingertip past the ring of muscles. He tries and fails to muffle his moaning in his arm as Azarias sinks in to the last knuckle, warming him up with just that for a few moments before he adds the second finger.

He’s already pretty loose after orgasming once already, so it doesn’t take long to stretch him out, but Azarias takes his time regardless, adding a third finger for good measure. He presses back against his hand with a needy whine, back arching slightly as peers over his shoulder again with lidded eyes.

“Azarias… Please.”

The sorcerer gives a noncommittal hum at the breathless plea, curling his fingers inside of Julian in search of a particular little bundle of nerves.

“Please what?” he asks, leaning forward to place a few soft kisses along Julian’s shoulders. He gasps when those fingers brush against his prostate, hips rolling in an effort to repeat that sensation.

Please f—hah—fuck me, Azarias. I need—I need it. I need you.”

Yeah. That’s what he likes to hear. Azarias grins against his shoulder, turning his head to kiss Julian deeply.

“Your wish is my command ~”

With one more purposeful rub at his prostate that leaves Julian a shuddering mess, Azarias removes his fingers and finally frees his aching cock from his pants. He grabs the bottle of salve again to lather a generous amount over his length, groaning quietly as he strokes it over after neglecting it for so long. He steps forward to press the head against Julian’s entrance, one hand guiding it in while the other rubs soothing circles into the other’s hip with his thumb.

Ohhh, Azarias—”

He can barely get out the words as Azarias feeds his length into the warm embrace of his ass. He lets out a long, low moan once it’s fully sheathed and for a moment Azarias is still, busying himself with tracing invisible patterns on Julian’s back with his tongue as they both adjust to the sensation.

“M-Move. Please, you can move,” Julian pants after only a few seconds, hands clutching at the tree in front of him.

Azarias is only happy to oblige. He slowly draws out until just the tip is left inside, then slides back in just as slowly. He repeats that process a few more times before the mounting heat urges him to go faster. Julian’s mouth hangs open as a litany of noises escape him. He’s already hard again, cock swinging between his legs with every thrust, but he makes no move to touch himself. Considering how much he’s already leaking, Azarias doubts he needs to be touched again in order to come. He’s willing to put that theory to the test, at least.

Grabbing both of his hips in his hands, fingernails leaving crescent-shaped marks in his skin, Azarias begins thrusting in earnest, dragging Julian back against him each time. The frantic slap of their hips meeting over and over again is the only sound that fills his ears apart from Julian’s voice. He’s decidedly shameless about the volume with which he moans, even if they are fucking in the middle of the forest. Azarias thinks it’s incredibly sexy.

“Mmm—! Oh, Azarias, I’m—ah!—I’m close—” Julian gasps out intermittently.

That was fast, Azarias thinks, but he refrains from saying so out loud for fear of embarrassing him, even if he finds the short recovery period all too pleasing. Besides, with as long as he was hard without being touched…

“M-hah… Me too. Where do you want—”

“Inside,” Julian answers immediately. “Come inside me, Azarias.”

Azarias buries a heated groan into his shoulder as he bites down, picking up the speed of his thrusts. This damn doctor is going to be the death of him one of these days. Julian’s voice hitches as teeth sink into his skin and the faint taste of blood dances across Azarias’s tongue. Of course, that mark of his starts glowing nigh immediately, but seeing the wrecked look on Julian’s face is enough to push him over the edge.

He spills out a series of expletives as he gives one last deep thrust before hilting himself as far inside of Julian as he can, cock twitching as he releases a pent-up load within that wet warmth and painting his walls with it. Julian lets out a pretty moan as he shoots ropes of cum right into the roots of the tree without once being touched by either of them.

It takes them both several moments to recover after that, panting into the humid air around them. Azarias remains draped over Julian’s back for the while, arms loosely wrapped around him as they breathe together. He’s already half-soft by the time he brings himself to pull out, drawing a spent whine from Julian. They’re not done just yet, however. Azarias can’t exactly expect him to walk home with an ass full of cum staining his pants.

Dropping to his knees on the forest floor for the second time that day, Azarias grabs two handfuls of Julian’s ass to spread him open again, ignoring the redhead’s surprised half-squeal, and proceeds to fit his mouth right over the puckered hole threatening to let loose everything he just filled him with. Julian’s voice breaks on his next moan as Azarias’s tongue prods inside of him, coaxing out the remnants of his orgasm. He makes some stuttered protest about how this is far from necessary, but Azarias doesn’t need to take his mouth off him to make his point. Julian’s cock gives a few abandoned twitches of interest, but he’s far too drained to get hard again. Not that Azarias would mind getting him off a third time. Maybe one day he’ll really put Julian’s body to the test and find out just how many times he can make him come.

For now, though, once he’s satisfied with his work on Julian’s hole, he stands back up and they help each other get dressed again. Their clothes are all a bit damp from the moisture in the air and on the ground, but it’s nothing a few minutes by a hearty fire won’t fix.

Julian softly clears his throat as he assists in lacing up Azarias’s tunic again. The sorcerer glances at him curiously over his shoulder, eyebrow raised.

“Ah—um...ahem. That—That was…” He seems at a loss for words, so Azarias smiles and helps him out.

“Wonderful? Fantastic? Utterly amazing?” he suggests. Julian laughs, his nerves fading from his countenance slightly.

“How about all of the above?” he says. You hum in agreement at that as Julian ties off the ribbon around your neck and hands you your overshirt. “You know… What you said before, about...about me being a good man…” He trails off for a moment, but you watch him in silence until he continues, unsure of where he’s going with this. He lifts his eyes to meet yours then, bringing a hand up to caress your cheek as if he’s admiring a newly bloomed flower. “I hope I can keep being a good man for you, Azarias. I don’t want to let you down.”

Azarias’s gaze softens and he lifts his hand to place over Julian’s, turning his head slightly to place a featherlight kiss against his palm while holding his gaze.

“You won’t. I believe that with all my heart.”

The look in his eyes makes him think Julian is ready to start believing that, too.

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